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Table 3 Prevalence of MD among FSWs in post-conflict Gulu District

From: Prevalence and factors associated with major depression among female sex workers in post-conflict Gulu district: a cross-sectional study

DSM 5 Diagnostic Criteria for MD

Yes N (%)

1. Have you been consistently depressed or down, most of the day, nearly every day, for the past 2 weeks?

187 (62.3)

2. In the past 2 weeks, have you been much less interested in most things or much less able to enjoy the things you used to enjoy most of the time?

179 (59.7)

Over the past 2 weeks, when you felt depressed or uninterested:

3. Was your appetite decreased or increased nearly every day? Did your weight decrease or increase without trying intentionally?

156 (52.2)

4. Did you have trouble sleeping (difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, early morning awakening, or sleeping excessively) nearly every night?

151 (50.5)

5. Did you talk or move more slowly than normal, or were you fidgety, restless, or having trouble sitting still almost every day?

154 (51.5)

6. Did you feel tired or without energy almost every day?

159 (53.0)

7. Did you feel worthless or guilty almost every day?

100 (33.1)

8. Did you have difficulty concentrating or making decisions almost every day?

79 (26.3)

9. Did you repeatedly consider hurting yourself, feel suicidal, or wish that you were dead?

49 (16.4)

10. Do symptoms these symptoms cause significant distress or problems at home, at work, socially, in your relationships, or in some other way, and are they a change from previous functioning?

147 (49.0)

Participant meets the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for MD

143 (47.7)

Severity of MD

 Mild (had five MD symptoms)

13 (9.0)

 Moderate (had 6–7 MD symptoms)

58 (40.6)

 Severe (had 8–9 MD symptoms)

72 (50.4)