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Table 2 End-User Activities, the Needs of Mobile App, and Main Features

From: Understanding mobile application development and implementation for monitoring Posyandu data in Indonesia: a 3-year hybrid action study to build “a bridge” from the community to the national scale



Key insight


End-user activities

a. CHWs’ activities

i. The direct use of the CHWs’ notebooks for MCH service

ii. Delay in transcribing the information into the Posyandu information system (PIS) book

iii. The PIS book is extremely difficult to implement

b. Mothers’ activities

i. Mothers who work will ask others to bring their children to the Posyandu:

- babysitter

- grandmother

- neighbor


The needs of the mobile app

a. CHW

i. Monitoring infants, toddlers, and mothers

ii. CHWs need a mobile app to report to Puskesmas

b. Mother

i. Mothers need a mobile app to monitor their toddlers


Main features

i. Login

ii. 12-Month Reporting Format

iii. Similar to the reporting form used in the Puskesmas

iv. Automation of infant data input when the app is re-opened

v. Child growth graph

vi. Automatic alert of child growth

  1. CHW community health worker, MCH mother and child health