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Table 2 Reporting Among 15–49-Year-Old Female GBV Survivors Seeking Psychosocial Support in Eastern Ukraine, N = 8525, 2016–2017

From: Factors associated with experiencing sexual violence among female gender-based violence survivors in conflict-afflicted eastern Ukraine



Sexual violence a

Physical violence

Non-contact violence b

p-value c


n (%)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


8525 (100.0)

220 (2.6)

2928 (34.3)

5377 (63.1)


Days to access MT services [median (IQR)]

7 (2–17)

11 (5–23)

7 (2–17)

7 (3–17)

< 0.001

Previously reported incident

3086 (36.2)

58 (26.4)

1484 (50.7)

1544 (28.7)

< 0.001

If reported, where? d

Health services

285 (9.2)

4 (6.9)

184 (12.4)

97 (6.3)

< 0.001

Psychosocial services

1043 (33.8)

22 (37.9)

326 (22.0)

695 (45.0)

< 0.001


1547 (50.1)

29 (50.0)

1027 (69.2)

491 (31.8)

< 0.001

Other institutions

723 (23.4)

11 (19.0)

200 (13.5)

512 (22.3)

< 0.001

  1. Note. GBV Gender-based violence, MT Mobile teams, IQR Interquartile range
  2. a Includes rape and sexual assault. Because the GBV categories were mutually exclusive, women experiencing sexual violence may also have experienced other types of violence
  3. b Includes economic and psychological violence
  4. c p-value based on Pearson’s chi-square, Fisher’s exact or median test
  5. d Can report to multiple places