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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Parental appearance teasing in adolescence and associations with eating problems: a systematic review

Selection Criteria

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria


Adolescents as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), between 10 and 19 years of age.

Include teenagers, teens or youth.

Non-related adolescent/teen/youth articles.

If the weight, shape, eating teasing happens outside adolescence - younger than 10 or older than 19.


Teasing specific to appearance / weight / body image.

Appearance based teasing.

Weight based teasing.

Include verbal bullying.

Article not specifically reporting teasing or verbal bullying as a specific construct.

Not reporting appearance or weight-based teasing.



Include parental / mother / father.

Article does not report specifically on parents.

If teasing was from peers, teachers, healthcare workers, siblings.


Disordered eating as an outcome or association.

Must include a validated measure of disordered eating.

Includes eating disorder psychopathology

Article does not report disordered eating as an outcome or association

Article does not include a standardized measure of disordered eating.

Study type

Qualitative or Quantitative including case study designs, cross-sectional, longitudinal and randomized control trials. Original Full Research Studies.

Non-original studies, book reviews, opinion pieces, non-peer reviewed journals, unpublished theses.


English and French Language Studies

Non-English or French language studies.

Date range

Studies from 1980 to present

1980 is when the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Third edition (DSM-III, 1952) first included Bulimia Nervosa and signified the modern era of eating disorders.

Being older that 1980.