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Table 2 Summary statistics of participant basic demographics characteristics by household socio-economic status

From: Potential effect modification of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine efficacy by household socio-economic status


Household Socio-economic status



(N = 339)

% (n)


(N = 337)

% (n)


(N = 316)

% (n)

Care Giver’s educational status


64.3 (218)

50.4 (170)

34.5 (109)


12.1 (41)

19.0 (64)

18.7 (59)

 Secondary / Higher

13.6 (46)

20.8 (70)

43.0 (136)


10.0 (34)

9.8 (33)

3.8 (12)

Household Size

 Above 5 person/HH

48.7 (165)

50.7 (171)

42.4 (134)

 Less than 5 person/HH

51.3 (174)

49.3 (166)

57.6 (182)

Place of Residence


80.5 (273)

64.7 (218)

39.9 (126)


14.4 (49)

28.2 (95)

50.0 (158)


5.0 (17)

7.1 (24)

10.1 (32)

Haemoglobin Status (Child)


34.2 (116)

41.2 (139)

51.3 (162)


65.8 (223)

58.8 (198)

48.7 (154)