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Table 2 Aspects included in the economic assessment component of the ISA-Physical Activity and Environment in Sao Paulo city, Brazil

From: Study protocol: health survey of Sao Paulo: ISA-Physical Activity and Environment



Leisure-time physical activity

Changes in walking duration (minutes)

Walkt1 – Walkt0

\( \frac{t_{wl}^{t1}-{t}_{wl}^{t0}}{t_{wl}^{t0}}\times 100 \)

Changes in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity duration (minutes)

Mod-Vigt1 – Mod-Vigt0

\( \frac{t_{mv}^{t1}-{t}_{mv}^{t0}}{t_{mv}^{t0}}\times 100 \)

Active travel

Changes in walking duration (minutes)

Walkt1 - Walkt0

\( \frac{t_{wt}^{t1}-{t}_{wt}^{t0}}{t_{wt}^{t0}}\times 100 \)

Changes in bicycling duration (minutes)

Bicyclt1 – Bicyclt0

\( \frac{t_{bt}^{t1}-{t}_{bt}^{t0}}{t_{bt}^{t0}}\times 100 \)

Nutritional status

Change in Body Mass Index (BMI, in kg/m2)

BMIt1 – BMIt0

\( \frac{BMI^{t1}-{BMI}^{t0}}{BMI^{t0}}\times 100 \)

Individual behavior

Clothing and other accessories for leisure-time walking (clothes, shoes, and specific accessories for walking)

Clothing for leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (clothes, shoes, and specific accessories for specific activities)

Equipment for leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (equipment for gymnastics and weight training)

Equipment for active travel (bicycle and safety equipment)

Equipment maintenance

Physical education professionals’ wages

The opportunity cost of time spent in leisure walking

The opportunity cost of time spent in leisure-time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity

The opportunity cost of time spent in active travel

Built environment

Building and maintenance of leisure facilities (clubs and community centers, parks and squares)

Facilities and green spaces for physical activity in public places (trees and equipment for physical activity)

Physical education professionals’ wages in public sector programs

Building and maintenance of active travel facilities (bicycle paths and sidewalks)

Public transport infrastructure (train and subway stations and bus stops)

Destination mix (density of commercial, leisure, and food facilities)

Changes in land use (differences in values of real state, based on municipal taxes: household and commerce density, commerce/household ratio, street connectivity)

Changes in transportation infrastructure (differences in transportation costs, whether individual or collective, concerning the adoption of bicycle or walking)

  1. Obs.: twlto = duration of leisure walking at baseline; twlt1 = duration of leisure walking at follow-up; tmvto = duration of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at baseline; tmvt1 = duration of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at follow-up; twtto = duration of transport-related walking at baseline; twtt1 = duration of transport-related walking at follow-up; tbtto = duration of transport-related bicycling at baseline; tbtt1 = duration of transport-related bicycling at follow-up; BMIt0 = Body Mass Index at baseline; BMIt1 = Body Mass Index at follow-up