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Table 1 Inclusion Criteria for Depression and PTSD

From: Masculinity and mental health treatment initiation for former political prisoners in Yangon, Myanmar – a qualitative investigation



Criterion A

Response of 2 or 3 on one of these items

Criterion A

Response of 2 or 3 on one of these items

Feeling Hopeless

Recurrent thoughts/memories of the event

Feeling Sad

Feeling as though the event is happening again

Feeling Lonely

Recurrent Nightmares

Crying Easily

Sudden emotional/physical reaction when reminded of event

Criterion B

Response of 2 or 3 on one of these items

Criterion B

Response of 2 or 3 on one of these items

Loss of sexual interest/pleasure

Avoiding activities that remind you of the event

Feeling no interest in things/less interest in daily activities

Inability to remember parts of the most traumatic or hurtful events


Avoiding thoughts or feelings associated with the traumatic event

Criterion C

Total number of the following items endorsed with 2 or 3

Criterion C

If at least 2 of the following 4 questions have responses with 2 or 3

Low energy, slowed down OR feeling like everything is an effort

Feeling detached or withdrawn from people

Poor appetite

Unable to feel emotions OR hard to suppress feelings

Sleep difficulties

No interest in daily activities

Thoughts of ending your life

Feeling like you don’t have a future

Worry to much about things

Blame self for things OR feel worthless


Criterion D

A response of 2 or 3 on one of the following

Blame self for things OR feel worthless

Feeling jumpy or easily startled

Difficulty concentrating

Feeling on guard

Feeling irritable or having outbursts of anger

  1. Items were derived from the PTSD Checklist [29], the depression subscale of the Hopkins Symptom checklist [30], and locally-derived items from previous formative work [31]