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Table 4 Compliance with delivery of individual components of CARD™ (n = 4 schools)

From: Feasibility of implementation of CARD™ for school-based immunizations in Calgary, Alberta: a cluster trial

Compliance with individual component of CARD™

Number (%)*

Principal planning meeting (repeated, as relevant)

4 (100)

Teacher/staff education


Parent education


Student education – video 1 (information about immunization)a

3 (75)

Student education – video 2 (information about CARD™)a

3 (75)

Student education – CARD™ pamphlet (students self-select coping strategies for upcoming immunization)a

4 (100)

Student education – follow-up classroom visit and Q&Aa


Reminders of immunization day – parentsb

3 (75)

Reminders of immunization day – studentsb

3 (75)

Reminders of immunization day – school staffb

3 (75)

Preferred clinic space secured (e.g., library) for clinicb

4 (100)

Private room secured for clinic for students that choose privacy as a coping strategyb

4 (100)

Separate waiting area outside the clinic with chairsb

3 (75)

Public health staff introductions to classes prior to clinicb

4 (100)

Triage students for clinic (according to fear and choices, and minimize the number of students waiting)b

4 (100)

Minimize visual cues in clinic (includes separation of tables, obscuring equipment from view)b

4 (100)

Student symptom assessment (i.e., assessing baseline fear)

4 (100)

Student-led coping (i.e., CARD™)c

4 (100)

Distraction kit present in clinic (items: fidget spinner, squishy ball, mental puzzle)b

4 (100)

Post-clinic debriefb

4 (100)

  1. * Data obtained via self-report from public health staff, whereby items denoted with a = items specifically tracked in student education checklist and those denoted by b = items specifically tracked in immunization day checklist
  2. n/a = this activity was not applied to this phase of the project
  3. c During reliability observations, it was additionally noted that some non-fearful students were not offered cards to play during injections at one school