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Table 2 Barriers and facilitators identified in TB patient questionnaires, HHC questionnaires and HCW questionnaires

From: Effects of programmatic interventions to improve the management of latent tuberculosis: a follow up study up to five months after implementation

Step in the cascade of LTBI care

Barriers n (%)

Facilitators n (%)

Barriers and facilitators identified in TB patient questionnaires

 HHC identification

Not encouraging HHC to be tested

3 (10%)

Counselling from health professionals on LTBI testing in HHC

30 (97%)

Disbelief in LTBI

2 (6%)

Concern about HHC falling ill with TB

29 (93%)


Correct knowledge of TB transmission

24 (77%)

 Completion of initial assessment and medical evaluation of HHC

Too busy, inconvenient location or working times of the clinics

4 (13%)

Knowledge of TB (as a precaution/fear)

13 (42%)

Disbelief in LTBI

2 (6%)

Advice by a health professional

6 (19%)

 LTBI treatment initiation

Disbelief in LTBI/ no symptoms/ not a priority 7 (23%)

Advice by a health professional

2 (6%)

Barriers and facilitators identified in HHC questionnaires

 HHC identification


Correct knowledge of TB transmission

18 (82%)


Concern about falling ill with TB

18 (82%)

 Completion of initial assessment and medical evaluation of HHC

Too busy/not a priority

8 (37%)

Advice by a health professional

12 (55%)

 LTBI treatment initiation

Lack of trust in health professionals

1 (5%)

Concern about falling ill with TB

7 (32%)


Knowledge of TB (prevention/ protection)

21 (95%)

Barriers and facilitators identified in HCW questionnaires

 HHC identification


Correct knowledge of LTBI identification in children < 5 years

9 (50%)


Correct knowledge of the importance of LTBI testing

19 (100%)

 Completion of initial assessment and medical evaluation of HHC

Not having access to TST, chest x-ray and INH 1 (5.5%)


 LTBI treatment initiation


Correct knowledge of the benefits of LTBI treatment

18 (95%)

  1. Notes: Blank cells indicate that no barriers were identified