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Table 4 Food: Means (±SDs) for NEA, desire and acceptability by label and health consequence [ranked from highest to lowest, 1–18]

From: Image-and-text health warning labels on alcohol and food: potential effectiveness and acceptability


Negative emotional arousal

Negative emotional arousal by health consequence

Desire to consume product

Desire to consume product by health consequence


Acceptability by health consequence

Bowel Cancer 1

4.59 (1.76) [1]

4.44 (1.76),

95% CI: 4.31–4.56

3.05 (1.90) [17]

3.08 (1.83)

95% CI: 2.95–3.21

3.67 (2.04) [18]

3.78 (2.03)

95% CI: 3.64–3.92

Bowel Cancer 2

4.59 (1.74) [1]

2.91 (1.83) [18]

3.67 (2.05) [18]

Bowel Cancer 3

4.13 (1.75) [3]

3.27 (1.77) [9]

3.99 (2.00) [14]

Non-specified Cancer 1

3.93 (1.73) [5]

3.82 (1.74)

95% CI: 3.69–3.94

3.38 (1.87) [6]

3.39 (1.82)

95% CI: 3.26–3.52

4.13 (1.89) [11]

4.15 (1.93)

95% CI: 4.02–4.29

Non-specified Cancer 2

3.82 (1.76) [7]

3.43 (1.86) [4]

4.06 (1.98) [13]

Non-specified Cancer 3

3.70 (1.73) [12]

3.35 (1.74) [7]

4.27 (1.92) [8]

13 types of Cancer 1

3.74 (1.77) [11]

3.72 (1.75)

95% CI: 3.60–3.84

3.23 (1.76) [12]

3.32 (1.83)

95% CI: 3.19–3.45

3.87 (1.96) [16]

4.12 (1.94)

95% CI: 3.98–4.25

13 types of Cancer 2

3.60 (1.75) [14]

3.47 (1.86) [2]

4.18 (1.89) [9]

13 types of Cancer 3

3.82 (1.74) [7]

3.26 (1.86) [10]

4.30 (1.94) [7]

Type 2 Diabetes 1

3.85 (1.72) [6]

3.65 (1.67)

95% CI: 3.53–3.77

3.07 (1.71) [16]

3.26 (1.79)

95% CI: 3.13–3.38

4.42 (1.98) [5]

4.45 (1.93)

95% CI: 4.31–4.58

Type 2 Diabetes 2

3.78 (1.71) [10]

3.30 (1.88) [8]

4.37 (1.94) [6]

Type 2 Diabetes 3

3.34 (1.53) [17]

3.40 (1.77) [5]

4.55 (1.89) [1]

Heart Disease 1

4.03 (1.70) [4]

3.76 (1.78)

95% CI: 3.64–3.89

3.16 (1.72) [15]

3.35 (1.82)

95% CI: 3.23–3.48

3.96 (2.03) [15]

4.20 (1.98)

95% CI: 4.06–4.34

Heart Disease 2

3.66 (1.81) [13]

3.25 (1.84) [11]

4.15 (1.93) [10]

Heart Disease 3

3.60 (1.81) [14]

3.65 (1.87) [1]

4.48 (1.96) [3]

Obesity 1

3.12 (1.63) [18]

3.45 (1.79)

95% CI: 3.32–3.57

3.44 (1.80) [3]

3.29 (1.83)

95% CI: 3.16–3.42

4.51 (1.89) [2]

4.35 (1.92)

95% CI: 4.21–4.48

Obesity 2

3.42 (1.77) [16]

3.22 (1.79) [13]

4.43 (1.87) [4]

Obesity 3

3.81 (1.89) [9]

3.21 (1.90) [14]

4.11 (1.99) [12]