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Table 2 Participants’ demographic characteristics (% (n), unless stated otherwise)

From: Image-and-text health warning labels on alcohol and food: potential effectiveness and acceptability


Alcohol Study (n = 5528)

Food Study (n = 4618)

Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

47.5 (15.8)

47.5 (16.1)

BMI (kg/m2)

 Mean (SD)

26.3 (5.6)

26.8 (6.1)

 Underweight (under 18.5)

3.5 (190)

3.8 (172)

 Healthy weight (18.5–24)

43.2 (2337)

39.6 (1782)

 Overweight (25–29)

32.1 (1737)

31.7 (1425)

 Obese (30–34)

13.7 (744)

14.6 (657)

 Severely obese (35–39)

4.7 (257)

6.1 (283)

 Morbidly obese (40 or more)a

2.7 (148)

4.0 (182)



49.1 (2709)

49.1 (2267)


50.9 (2807)

50.7 (2340)


0.1 (4)

0.2 (8)



93.9 (5193)

90.4 (4150)

 Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups

1.5 (82)

2.2 (99)

 Asian/Asian British

2.7 (147)

4.9 (223)

 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British

1.2 (68)

2.1 (98)

 Other ethnic group

0.3 (14)

0.4 (19)

Highest qualification


4.2 (233)

5.7 (262)

 Up to 4 GCSEs

13.0 (717)

14.3 (656)

 5 or more GCSEs or 1 A-level (Including 5+ GCSEs

15.9 (878)

14.9 (683)

 2 or more A-levels

18.7 (1030)

19.2 (880)

 Bachelor’s degree

29.4 (1618)

28.1 (1293)

 Post-Graduate degree or qualification

15.4 (846)

14.0 (645)

 Other vocational/work-related qualifications

3.3 (184)

3.8 (175)

Income (per year)

 Up to £11,499

8.4 (541)

14.0 (645)

 £11,500 – £24,999

21.3 (1138)

24.5 (1130)

 £25,000 - £49,999

41.8 (2237)

35.3 (1628)

 £50,000 or more

23.1 (1230)

18.2 (841)

  1. aBMI categories based on WHO guidelines [35]