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Table 3 Study characteristics

From: Efficacy and cultural appropriateness of psychosocial interventions for paediatric burn patients and caregivers: a systematic review

First author, year [reference]

Study design, location



Outcome: measures(assessor*)

Measurement time points

Blakeney 2005 [43].


n = 32^3 (9)

4-day group social skills workshop based on Changing Faces REACH OUT, and ‘usual’ treatment.

n = 32^10 (31)

‘Usual’ treatment, and follow-up psychological appointments upon request only.

Anxiety/depression: CBCL(C).

Pre-intervention and 1 year post-intervention: CBCL.

Brown 2014 [44].

RCT, Australia.

n = 47^12 (23)

Dittoâ„¢ PP pre-COD, and distraction interactive story/game during COD.

n = 52^12 (26)

Standard distraction during COD: TV, videos, books, toys, and caregiver soothing.

Pain: FPS-R(Pt.), HR(N).

Pain and distress: FLACC(N).

Anxiety: VAS-A(Pt. > 8 yrs).

Trauma: CTSQ(Pt. > 6 yrs).

Pre-randomisation: FPS-R, HR, FLACC, VAS-A.

Pre-removal: FPS-R, FLACC, VAS-A.

Post-removal: FPS-R, HR, FLACC, VAS-A, CTSQ(1st COD).

Post- application: FPS-R, HR, FLACC, VAS-A.

During removal and application: HR.

3mths post re-epithelisation: CTSQ.

Burns-Nader 2017 [45].


n = 15^0 (0)

Tablet distraction game, and CLT support during 2nd and/or 3rd COD.

n = 15^0 (0)

Standard distraction, and CLT support during 2nd and/or 3rd COD.

Pain: FACES(Pt.), nurse’s pain reports(N).

Anxiety: CEMS(Pt.).

Prior and during hydrotherapy: CEMS.

Post-hydrotherapy: FACEs, nurse’s pain reports, CEMS.

Chester 2018 [46].

RCT, Australia.

n = 29^0 (0)

Hypnosis pre and during COD: guided imagery, breathing, muscle relaxation, and permissive and direct hypnotic suggestions.

n = 35^0 (0)

Standard interventions pre and during COD: parent presence, books, TV, electronic games, DVDs, toys, bubbles, music, and Ditto™ PP and distraction.

Pain: FPS-R(Pt.), FLACC(N), NRS(C), HR(R).

Anxiety: VAS-A(Pt. ≥8 yrs, C < 8 yrs).

Trauma: CPSS(Pt. > 7 yrs),

YCPC(C < 7 yrs).

Pre and post-procedure: FPS-R, FLACC, NRS, VAS-A.

During procedure: FPS-R, FLACC, NRS.

Pre-medication and post-application: HR.

3-months post-injury: CPSS, YCPC.

Elliott 1983 [47].


n = 4^0 (0)

Stress management during COD: distraction, breathing, emotive imagery, and pain reinterpretation.

n = 4^0 (0)

SC during COD.

Pain and distress: BTDS(MS).

Removal, first 15mins of hydrotherapy, and during physical therapy and dressing re-application: BTDS.

Foertsch 1998 [48].


n = 13^Total 1 (43)

Familiar imagery during COD: focus on childhood memory/experience.

n = 10^Total 1 (43)

Social support during COD: researcher conversation and encouragement.

Pain and anxiety: FACES(Pt.’s 3–9 yrs), VAS(Pt.’s 9–12 yrs).

Distress: OSBD(R).

Baseline and 15-s intervals during procedure: OSBD.

Post-procedure: FACES, VAS.

Hyland 2015 [49].

RCT, Australia.

n = 50^0 (0)

CLT PP, caregiver support and education, and distraction during COD.

n = 50^0 (0)

SC, and minimal distraction during COD: caregiver, music, and toys/electronic devises.

Pain: CHEOPS(IA), FACES(Pt.’s 5–10 yrs), VAS(Pt.’s > 10 yrs).

Pain and anxiety: Procedural pain and anxiety questionnaire(C), nursing staff questionnaire(N).

Anxiety: CFS(IA, Pt.).

Pre-procedure: Procedural pain and anxiety questionnaire.

2-min intervals during procedure: CHEOPS, CFS.

Post-procedure: FACES, VAS, Procedural pain and anxiety questionnaire, CFS.

Jeffs 2014 [50].


n = 8^0 (0)

IVR: 3D interactive program pre and during COD.

n = 10^0 (0)

‘Typical’ care during COD: standard nurse communication.

Pain: APPT-WGRS(Pt.’s 8–17 yrs).

Anxiety: STAI-CH(Pt.).

Pre-procedure: APPT-WGRS, STAI-CH.

n = 10^0 (0)

IPD: PD (i.e. movie) pre and during COD.

Kavanagh, 1983 [51].


n = 4^0 (0)

Max. procedure ‘predictability’: specific nurse attire, and ‘patient control’ of ‘appropriate’ aspects of procedure.

n = 5^0 (0)

Min. ‘predictability’, and medical staff control over procedure.

Pain: Nurse reports 0–6 scale(N).

Anxiety: CBI(N, C of pt.’s 1–3 yrs).

2–3 times daily: Nurse reports.

Weekly: CBI.

Kipping 2012 [52].

RCT, Australia.

n = 20^0 (0)

Off-the-shelf VR pre and during COD.

n = 21^0 (0)

Standard distraction during COD: TV, stories, music, and caregiver.

Pain: VAS(Pt., C).

Pain and distress: FLACC(N).

Baseline, and retrospective post-removal and application: VAS, FLACC.

Miller 2010 [53].

RCT, Australia.

n = 20^2 (10)

IMMD-PP: MMD-PP pre-COD, and standard distraction during COD.

n = 20^3 (15)

Standard distraction during COD: toys, TV, and nurse/caregiver interactions.

Pain: FACES(Pt.), VAS(C).

Pain and distress: FLACC(N).

Pre and post-removal, pre and post-application: FACES, VAS, FLACC.

n = 20^1 (5)

IMMD-D: MMD-D interactive story/game during COD.

n = 20^4 (20)

IVGD: VGD during COD.

Miller 2011 [54].

RCT, Australia.

n = 20^0 (0)

MMD-PP, MMD-D interactive story/game pre and during COD.

n = 20^0 (0)

Standard PP and distraction pre and during COD.

Pain: FACES(Pt.), VAS(C), HR(N).

Pain and distress: FLACC(N).

Pre and post-removal, pre and post-application: FACES, VAS, FLACC.

During removal and application: HR.

Moore 2015 [55].


n = 12^0 (0)

CLT MP pre-COD: standard medical equipment, and puppets.

n = 9^0 (0)

SC during COD: standard PP, and clinical staff verbal explanations.

Pain: FPS(Pt.).

Pain and distress:


Anxiety: STAI-CH(C).

Pre and post-procedure: FPS, FLACC, STAI-CH.

Post-removal: FPS.

Quay 1983 [56].


n = 26^0 (0)

Discharge preparation weekly by nurse, written information, and procedural rehearsal 3 days pre-discharge.

n = 24^0 (0)

Routine instructions 3 days pre-discharge.

Anxiety: STAI-CH(Pt., C).

1-day pre-discharge, 1st follow-up visit: STAI-CH.

Sveen 2017 [57].

RCT, Sweden.

n = 31^16 (52)

Internet based CBT and ACT support program.

n = 31^3 (10)

SC during COD.

Post-traumatic stress: IES-R(C), PSI-SF(C), PSS(C).

Pre-procedure, post-procedure, 3mths post-injury, 12mths post-injury: IES-R, PSI-SF, PSS.

Van der Heijden 2018 [58].


South Africa.

n = 71^3 (4)

3–5 min MT, and parental soothing post-COD.

n = 64^3 (4)

SC during COD, and parental soothing post-COD.


Distress: OSBD-r(R), FPS-R(Pt.).

Pre-procedure, hallway, entering room: OSBD-r, COMFORT-B.

Pre and post-procedure: FPS-R, FACES.

Whitehead-Pleaux 2006 [59].


n = 8^0 (0)

MT during COD.

n = 6^0 (0)

Verbal support and distraction by music therapists during COD.

Pain: FACES(Pt.), HR(R).

Behavioral distress: NAPI(R).

Anxiety: Fear Thermometer(Pt.).

Pre and post-procedure: FACES, HR, Fear Thermometer.

During procedure: FACES, HR, NAPI, Fear Thermometer.

  1. *Assessors: Pt patient, C caregiver, N nurse, R researcher, IA independent assessor, MS medical student. ^Attrition rate n (%). ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, APPT-WGRS Adolescent Paediatric Pain Tool, Word Graphic Rating Scale, BTDS Burn-Treatment Distress Scale, CBCL Children’s Behavior Checklist, CBI Children’s Behavior Inventory, CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CEMS Children’s Emotional Manifestation Scale, CFS Children’s Fear Scale, CHEOPS Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale, CLT Child Life Therapy, COD Change of dressing, COMFORT-B COMFORT-Behavioral scale, CPSS Child PTSD Symptom Scale, CTSQ Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire, FACES Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale, FLACC Faces Legs Arms Cry Consolability, FPS Faces Pain Scale, FPS-R Faces Pain Scale-Revised, HR Heart rate, IES-R Impact of Event Scale-Revised, MMD Multi-modal Device, MMD-D Multi-modal Device-Distraction, MMD-PP Multi-modal Device-Procedural Preparation, MP Medical play, MT Music therapy, NAPI Nursing Assessment of Pain Index, NRS Numeric Rating Scale, OSBD Observational Scale of Behavioral Distress, OSBD-r Observational Scale of Behavioral Distress-revised, PD Passive distraction, PP Procedural preparation, PSI-SF Parenting Stress Index Short Form, PSS Perceived Stress Scale, SC Standard care, STAI-CH Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, VAS Visual Analogue Scale, VAS-A Visual Analog Scale-Anxiety, VGD Video game distraction, VR Virtual reality, YCPC Young Child PTSD Checklist