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Table 1 Plan for data coding and description of the study variables

From: Prevalence and factors associated with double and triple burden of malnutrition among mothers and children in Nepal: evidence from 2016 Nepal demographic and health survey

Study variables

Coding category for analysis

Outcome variables

 Stunting (HAZ)

0 = Normal HAZ/not stunted (HAZ -2SD and above) 1 = stunted (HAZ < -2SD)

 Wasting (WHZ)

0 = Normal WHZ/not wasted (WHZ-2SD to +2SD) 1 = Wasted (WHZ < -2SD)

 Underweight (WAZ)

0 = Normal WAZ/not underweight (WHZ-2SD and above) 1 = underweight (WAZ < -2SD)

 Child anemia

0 = Normal/not anemic (hemoglobin level > 11 g/dl), 1 = anemic (hemoglobin level < 11 g/dl)

 Mothers BMI (Continuous, calculated using measured height and weight)

0 = Normal (18.5–24.9 kg/m2) 1 = Overweight/Obese (≥25 kg/m2)

 Double burden of malnutrition (DBM):overweight/obese mothers was paired with her child having one form of undernourished (stunted or wasted or underweight)

0 = Normal or not overweight/obese mother and not undernourished child (stunted or wasted or underweight) 1 = overweight/obese mother and undernourished child (stunted or wasted or underweight)

 Triple burden of malnutrition (TBM):overweight/obese mothers was paired with her child having one form of undernourished (stunted or wasted or underweight) plus anemic child

0 = Normal or not overweight/obese mother and not undernourished child (stunted or wasted or underweight) plus not anemic child 1 = overweight/obese mother and undernourished child (stunted or wasted or underweight) plus anemic child