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Table 5 Changes in Access to services and facilities, and Community Participation in control and intervention groups

From: Disabled People’s Organisations increase access to services and improve well-being: evidence from a cluster randomized trial in North India

Access and Participation

% of met needs at baselinea

(n, 95% CI)

% of met need at endlinea

(n, 95% CI)






63.3% (119, 52.5 to 73%)

75.4% (116, 55.1 to 88.4%)

81.5% (166, 72.2 to 88.2%)

74.9% (128, 54.4 to 88.2%)

Community Consultation

58.9% (99, 39.4 to 75.9%)

65% (78, 38.1 to 84.9%)

67.3% (124, 51.4 to 80%)

58.8% (76, 26.7 to 84.8%)

Rehabilitation services

19% (27, 12.3 to 28.3%)

43.2%(40, 33.8 to 53.1%)

70% (45, 47.8 to 85.6%)

30% (17, 20 to 42.4%)

Access to safe drinking water

86.6% (210, 77.4 to 92.4%)

88.7% (159, 72.6 to 95.9%)

90.8% (240, 85.1 to 94.5%)

87.5% (179, 80 to 92.5%)

Access to toilet facilities

92.4% (234, 87.5 to 95.4%)

95.2% (183, 82.3 to 98.8%)

96.9% (263, 94.3 to 98.4%)

93.6% (201, 90.2 to 95.9%)

Able to participate in social activities

70.8% (147, 55.3 to 82.5%)

85.3% (117, 69.2 to 93.8%)

81.6% (185, 66.2 to 91%)

77.7% (125, 54.7 to 90.9%)

Access to Govt. social welfare services

69.8% (129, 60.8 to 77.5%)

80.1% (106, 69.2 to 87.8%)

89.4% (201, 78.6 to 95.1%)

79.1% (126, 57.2 to 91.4%)

Access to DPO

15.4% (14, 6 to 34.2%)

24.4% (12, 19.7 to 29.8%)

56.7% (125, 40.1 to 71.9%)

22.4% (11, 5.2 to 60.3%)

Access to legal Aid

70.5% (21, 44 to 87.9%)

90.3% (34, 61.5 to 98.2%)

87.3% (34, 56.3 to 97.3%)

77.5% (24, 26.9 to 97%)

  1. aPercentages were weighted by sampling weights i.e. total sample / number of sample in the cluster