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Table 1 Main methods and findings from development and pilot phase of Schools in Motion (SiM) program

From: Developing a comprehensive school-based physical activity program with flexible design – from pilot to national program



Main finding/ input to program


Literature review

Team brainstorming

Schools are promising venues for intervention as children with different socio-economic background can be reached.

The period between 6 and 12 years is critical in forming PA habits.

Need for multi-component change program towards PA-friendly everyday arrangement of school life, practices of school staff and students.

Sustainability of changes as main aim.


Focus group studies

Schools are interested in encouraging students PA during the school day in addition to PE classes.

To encourage PA, the modification of rules, re-design of space, tools and training for development of new practices are needed in schools.


Objective PA measurements

Overall PA levels are low and the potential of school setting is underused

since 2016

Action research (incl. Conversations with school staff members and students; observations; analysis of Facebook group posts and action plans of schools; analysis of the feedback from inspirational seminars arranged for the schools within SiM program)

Each school in unique and therefore, the solutions and focuses of the schools are different.

Supporting the autonomy of schools is a key element of reducing the odds of dropout.

The changes in school are possible when there is a team leading the SiM activities and management is included.


Piloting of materials and tools for active lessons, active recess and SiM teams: analysis of the feedback from training seminars and participants’ diaries

Providing ready-to-use materials increase the implementation of new methods and SiM principles


Piloting play-leaders training sub-program: analysis of feedback from training camps and interviews with participants

Involvement of students and development of their training and rotation increases sustainability of intervention program

Since 2017

Self-evaluation tool

Changes in school culture take time but they are possible. Providing fast and simple feedback to schools about their results is a great motivation for them to continue.


Web-based questionnaire

The answers of school staff and younger students indicate the gradual, but not linear change towards PA-friendly school culture.

In addition to providing fast and simple feedback to schools, it also provides important input to our program development.

Selection and adaptation of the most promising indicators for PA-friendly school culture which was included in the 2020 national school satisfaction survey.