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Table 5 Results of the mediation model for participants aged 18–40 years. N=124

From: Examining social-cognitive theory constructs as mediators of behaviour change in the active team smartphone physical activity program: a mediation analysis

Hypothesised mediator

A (SE)

B (SE)

C (SE)

C′ (SE)

AB (SE) [95% CI]

Change in self-efficacy

−0.041 (0.027)

16.792 (36.586)

−10.940 (29.130)

−10.250 (29.263)

−0.690 (2.617)

[− 7.275, 4.623]

Change in intentions





−10.940 (29.130)

− 10.834


− 0.106 (3.559)

[− 10.575, 4.676]

Change in outcome expectations

− 0.116




−10.940 (29.130)



−5.784 (8.482)

[− 25.544, 8.578]

Change in perceived barriers



− 23.031 (43.379)

−10.940 (29.130)

− 10.548 (29.225)

−0.392 (2.686)

[−6.873, 4.990]

Change in goals

0.103 (0.089)

26.496 (29.684)

−10.940 (29.130)

−13.681 (29.315)

2.741 (4.010)

[−5.504, 11.537]

  1. Note: * denotes: P < 0.05, ∧ denotes: P remains significant after Holm’s Bonferroni adjustment
  2. SE Standard Error, CI Confidence Interval
  3. A = intervention allocation effect on mediators
  4. B = association between mediators and change in self-reported MVPA
  5. C = total effect model
  6. C′ = direct effect of intervention allocation on change in self-reported MVPA
  7. AB = indirect effect of intervention allocation on change in self-reported MVPA through the hypothesised mediator