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Table 1 Asthma severity classification according to the treatment needed to achieve optimal disease control (adapted from GINA international guidelines) [17

From: The potential role of local pharmacies to assess asthma control: an Italian cross-sectional study

STEP 1 intermittent

STEP 2 mild

STEP 3 moderate persistent

STEP 4 severe persistent

STEP 5 severe difficult to treat

low dose ICS-SABA as needed

daily low dose ICS, or daily leukotriene antagonist, or low dose ICS-SABA as needed (>  2/month)

low dose ICS-LABA, or medium dose ICS, or low dose ICS + leukotriene antagonist

medium dose ICS-LABA, or high dose ICS, add-on tiotropium, or add-on leukotriene antagonist

high dose ICS-LABA ± add-on tiotropium and/or biologic drugs and/or oral steroids

  1. ICS= Inhaled corticosteroids; SABA= Short acting beta2 agonist; LABA= Long acting beta2 agonist