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Fig. 1 | BMC Public Health

Fig. 1

From: The effects of containment measures in the Italian outbreak of COVID-19

Fig. 1

Number of confirmed COVID-19 cases for different countries. Trajectories are shifted temporally to superpose one on another, so that day zero represents the onset of COVID-19 outbreak for all countries. Japan and Singapore were able to contain the outbreak at the very early stage. The Chinese region of Hubei was able to contain diffusion at a later stage, by imposing first a milder lockdown of the population on January 30th 2020 (red triangle), and then a full lockdown of the population on February 13th 2020 (red diamond), closing all non-essential companies and manufacturing plants. Italy, Spain, France, UK, and the American States of California and New York (referred as US*) display exponential growth of confirmed cases. Italy, Spain, France and US* imposed the lockdown at similar (relative) times, indicated by the green, gold, blue and purple triangles, respectively. The four countries have comparable population sizes to Hubei region (58.5 M people), with the minimum in Spain (46.7 M people) and the maximum in France (66.9 M). Italy additionally imposed the full lockdown 12 days afterwards (green diamond)

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