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Table 2 Sexual and reproductive health issues and healthcare sought by migrant Venezuelan women at the Brazilian-Venezuelan border (n = 405), 2019

From: Maternal health among Venezuelan women migrants at the border of Brazil

Sexual and reproductive health issues and healthcare sought

n (%)

Main self-reported sexual and reproductive health concerns

N = 405

Access to contraception

134 (33.1)

Gynaecological condition [e.g. menstrual disturbances, pelvic pain, vaginal discharge]

107 (26.4)

Symptoms related to a sexually transmitted infection

67 (16.5)

Prenatal or postnatal care

29 (7.2)

Gender-based violence

19 (4.7)


49 (12.1)

Woman consulted for SRH issue (n = 405)


255 (63.0)


150 (37.0)

Reasons for consultation (n = 255)


79 (30.9)

 Gynaecological problem

68 (26.7)

 Prenatal care

45 (17.6)


63 (24.7)