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Table 2 Training manuals for intervention group and control group

From: Effectiveness of a mindfulness-oriented substance use prevention program for boys with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial


Intervention group: Mindfulness Intervention

Control group: Health Intervention

Session 1

Welcome and overview, flashlight for mood (every session), meaning of mindfulness, attitudes of mindfulness, first meditation practice, introduction of the breath as an anchor

Welcome and introduction, flashlight for mood, (every session)

Healthy food: Nutrition pyramid, food ingredients; Nutri-Score rating system and reflection of the own eating behaviour

Session 2

Meditation practice, mindful coping with desire, mindful eating a raisin vs. piece of chocolate

Healthy food: Hidden sugar in your food, game with sugar cubes, taking pictures

of packaged food with the amount of sugar

Session 3

Be mindful, sense your body, introduction to and practice of the body scan


Desire, craving and consumption,

self-rating of consumption

Meaning of sports and physical health in everyday life, current body posture, ergonomic sitting tools


Desire, craving and consumption,

self-rating of consumption

Session 4

Meditation practice, moods and current emotions, drawing moods as a weather report


Memory Game: Addiction and addictive behaviour

Development, long term effects and consequences of bad motion habits, sport exercises for a healthy and strong back


Memory Game: Addiction and addictive behaviour

Session 5

Mindfulness of emotion: Identify positive, negative and neutral emotions, stop the autopilot, sense emotions


Card game: “Enjoying life”

Sex education: Reconsideration of gender stereotypes; sexuality in the context of pleasure, love and responsibility


Card game: “Enjoying life”

Session 6

Mindfulness of thoughts: The power of thoughts, observe and produce thoughts, mindful walking


Card game: Stress in different situations, Evaluation and personalised stress management

Sex education: sexual harassment in online networks and chats, strategies for action to say no


Card game: Stress in different situations, Evaluation and personalised stress management