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Table 4 Themes and Subthemes of Women’s Awareness of CC and CCS

From: The role of knowledge, risk perceptions, and cues to action among Iranian women concerning cervical cancer and screening: a qualitative exploration



Implicit knowledge about CC and CCS

Lack of explicit knowledge on CC

Limited knowledge about signs and symptoms of CC

Lack of specific knowledge on CC testing, its frequency and timing

Deficit in knowledge about risk factors and causes of CC

Appropriate knowledge on conditions/ requirements for CC testing

Limited and unspecified knowledge on preventive measures, care and treatment concerning CC

Inaccurate perceived risk of CC and CCS

Low perceived susceptibility to CC due to misconceptions

Aggravated severity due to social and cultural misperceptions

Lack of perceived cues to action regarding CC

External cues:

◦Limited interpersonal and public communications about CC due to cultural considerations

◦HCP advice as powerful external prompt

Lack of internal cues:

◦Socially imposed self-deprioritization, lack of symptoms and misinterpretation of symptoms