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Table 2 Ideas for interventions taken to the York workshop with independent and jointly agreed rankings

From: Identifying interventions with Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to promote immunisation uptake: methodological approach and findings

Ideas for Intervention

English Gypsies’ rankings

Service Providers’ rankingsa

Jointly agreed rankings

Promoting awareness and understanding of immunisation

 Good information from non-NHS sources e.g. magazines, social media




 Insert into Red Book that is clear and simple, designed by GRTs



 Appropriately designed leaflets and verbal personalised information from trusted Health Professional in GP practice




 Appropriately designed leaflets and verbal personalised information from trusted Health Professional at home




 Training for Health Professionals to identify those most concerned about immunisations to discuss their fears and concerns



Developing trust and respect

 Cultural Competence Training for Health Professionals, Frontline Staff and other Service Providers who work with GRTs




 Named person in GP practice who is trusted by the community for frontline service at reception desk and link to Health Professionals




Improving immunisation services

 Multi-sectorial working led by Health Professionals to raise understanding of cultural issues among professionals in all sectors




 Flexible and diverse approach to booking appointments, recall and reminder systems




 Flexible delivery of immunisation services to meet specific needs of most socially excluded GRTs, e.g. drop-in clinics, outreach




 Protect funding of specialist roles, e.g. Health Visitor post dedicated to GRT communities




 Improve joined up working and planning between diverse organisations involved in commissioning and delivery of immunisation services



 Representation from GRT community at meetings of local Immunisation committees



 Identify GRTs in health records to record immunisation uptake and tailor support




 Improve system of temporary registration at GP practices


  1. Note. Independent rankings were based on perceived impact. 1 = greatest impact. Jointly agreed rankings were based on perceived impact, acceptability and feasibility. aService Providers ran out of time, agreeing 10 key interventions but not ranking them so all recorded as =1