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Table 2 Components and activities of the ‘coup de poing’ strategy deployed in the Ouest department in Haiti, 2017

From: Impact of patron saint festivities on cholera in three communes in Haiti




- 55 situation room meetings

Epidemiologic surveillance

- Daily action-oriented epidemiologic analysis


- More than 7 multisectoral and multi-partnered investigations

Care delivery

- 30 supervision visits of Diarrheal Treatment Centers

- 10 follow-up visits

- Training of 20 nurses, 7 nursing assistants and 10 hygienists

- Installation and rehabilitation of equipment on 3 outbreak sites by partner NGOs

- Supply of treatment centers with materials and establishment of a contingency stock

- Transport of specimen to the National public health laboratory by partner NGOs

Community response and water, sanitation and hygiene

- Deployment of 26 mobile teams

- Distribution of 8929 sanitary kits

- Distribution of 644,123 oral rehydration solutions

- Operation of 14,058 water point decontaminations

- Installation of 69 chlorination points

- Installation of 17 hand washing points

- Organization of 78 mass awareness sessions in marketplaces, churches and schools

- Distribution of 10,744 flyers containing awareness messages


- Training of 401 focal points in local town halls

- Training of 108 marketplace directors, 155 grassroot organizations directors and 136 funeral directors

- 43 street theater performances reaching 4200 individuals

- 30 public transportation debates reaching 7350 individuals

- Distribution of T-shirts and USB with awareness messages reaching 9600 individuals

- 6 workshops targeting 210 religious leaders

- Involvement of 85 churches reaching 17,000 individuals

  1. Source: DINEPA, 2017. [Report] Results of the ‘coup de poing’ strategy against cholera, Ouest department, Haiti