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Table 2 Physicians’ responses to knowledge items (N = 380)

From: Knowledge and practice of physicians during COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study in Lebanon

Knowledge items





Do not know

Dimension 1: Nature of the disease (93.5%)

 K1. The incubation period of Corona is 2–14 days (Yes)

374 (98.4)

4 (1.1)

2 (0.5)

 K2. Recommended diagnostic approach in human is sampling of upper and lower airways secretions and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) examination (Yes)

374 (98.4)

5 (1.3)

1 (0.3)

 K3. Covid-19 can be eliminated with at least 60% alcohol (Yes)

326 (85.8)

53 (13.9)

1 (0.3)

 K4. The coronavirus can survive for many hours or many days in the environment (Yes)

348 (91.6)

25 (6.6)

7 (1.8)

Dimension 2 Transmission of Disease (68.5%)

 k.5 Covid-19 is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory tract secretions (Yes)

349 (91.8)

30 (7.9)

1 (0.3)

 k.6 Covid-19 can be transmitted by transfusion of infectious blood and by needle stick injuries (No)

266 (70.0)

65 (17.1)

49 (12.9)

 K7. Covid-19 can be transmitted through eating undercooked meat/chicken (No)

166 (43.7)

179 (47.1)

35 (9.2)

Dimension3 Actions in dealing with suspected, probable and confirmed cases (62.7%)

 K8. The use of personal protective equipment is necessary during aerosol production procedures, such as suction sputum sampling and intubation (Yes)

368 (96.8)

10 (2.6)

2 (0.5)

 K9. Suspected cases of Covid-19 infection after triage should be taken into care in a negative pressure respiratory isolation room (No)

60 (15.8)

307 (80.8)

13 (3.4)

 K10. The use of N95 masks is necessary when sampling of induced sputum from patients suspected of Covid-19 infection (Yes)

364 (95.8)

10 (2.6)

6 (1.6)

 K11. Patients with Covid-19 infection admitted to an isolation room should use a surgical mask when moving and leaving the room for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (Yes)

298 (78.4)

71 (18.7)

11 (2.9)

 K12. All surfaces contaminated by the patients with Covid-19 infection should be cleaned with diluted (5%) bleaching solution (No)

102 (26.8)

195 (51.3)

83 (21.8)

Dimension 4: Precautionary measures by health care Providers (57.8%)

 K13. Droplet precautions should be followed by health care providers in dealing with suspected, probable and confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection (Yes)

330 (86.8)

16 (4.2)

34 (8.9)

 K14. Airborne precautions should be followed by health care providers in dealing with suspected, probable and confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection (No)

110 (28.9)

262 (68.9)

8 (2.1)

Dimension 5: Treatment of the disease (75.6%)

 K15. Oxygen therapy should be given to all cases of severe Covid-19 with acute respiratory infection (Yes)

277 (72.9)

84 (22.1)

19 (5.0)

 K16. Antibiotic therapy is required for the treatment of pneumonia until confirmation of suspected cases of Covid-19 infection (Yes)

157 (41.3)

191 (50.3)

32 (8.4)

 K17. Ventilation with an endotracheal tube must be carried out in patients with confirmed or suspected coronaviruses with clinical manifestations of acute respiratory distress syndrome (Yes)

316 (83.2)

43 (11.3)

21 (5.5)

 K18. High doses of systemic corticosteroids should be avoided in patients with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection and clinical manifestations of viral pneumonia (Yes)

321 (84.5)

27 (7.1)

32 (8.4)

 K19. There is no currently effective cure for Covid-19, but early symptomatic and supportive treatment can help most patients recover from the infection (Yes)

366 (96.3)

8 (2.1)

6 (1.6)

  1. Yes /No in the parentheses denotes the intended (correct) answer