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Table 1 Characteristics of the first 1,123 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 on admission in Kuwait

From: COVID-19 clinical outcomes and nationality: results from a Nationwide registry in Kuwait


Kuwaiti (N = 294)

Non-Kuwaiti (N = 829)

Overall (N = 1123)



140 (47.6%)

70 (8.4%)

210 (18.7%)


154 (52.4%)

759 (91.6%)

913 (81.3%)

Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

44.3 (19.2)

41.0 (12.5)

41.9 (14.6)

 Median [Min, Max]

45.0 [1.00, 93.0]

40.0 [2.00, 87.0]

40.0 [1.00, 93.0]

Body Mass Index (kg/m2)

 Mean (SD)

28.6 (7.08)

26.1 (4.34)

26.8 (5.33)

 Median [Min, Max]

27.0 [14.0, 50.0]

26.0 [14.4, 45.0]

26.0 [14.0, 50.0]


107 (36.4%)

315 (38.0%)

422 (37.6%)



281 (95.6%)

798 (96.3%)

1079 (96.1%)


13 (4.4%)

31 (3.7%)

44 (3.9%)

Systolic BP (mmHg)

 Mean (SD)

126 (16.8)

128 (16.6)

128 (16.7)

 Median [Min, Max]

125 [84.0, 180]

127 [80.0, 202]

127 [80.0, 202]


7 (2.4%)

4 (0.5%)

11 (1.0%)

Diastolic BP (mmHg)

 Mean (SD)

76.2 (9.18)

79.6 (10.6)

78.7 (10.3)

 Median [Min, Max]

77.0 [47.0, 108]

80.0 [40.0, 137]

80.0 [40.0, 137]


7 (2.4%)

4 (0.5%)

11 (1.0%)

Respiratory Rate (breaths per minute)

 Mean (SD)

20.9 (2.64)

21.0 (2.54)

21.0 (2.57)

 Median [Min, Max]

20.0 [0, 40.0]

20.0 [12.0, 55.0]

20.0 [0, 55.0]


3 (1.0%)

6 (0.7%)

9 (0.8%)

Heart Rate (beats per minute)

 Mean (SD)

84.8 (12.8)

86.7 (12.8)

86.2 (12.8)

 Median [Min, Max]

82.0 [60.0, 136]

86.0 [37.0, 130]

85.0 [37.0, 136]


2 (0.7%)

4 (0.5%)

6 (0.5%)

Temperature (degree C)

 Mean (SD)

36.8 (0.414)

37.0 (0.542)

36.9 (0.517)

 Median [Min, Max]

36.8 [35.6, 38.8]

36.9 [35.2, 39.8]

36.8 [35.2, 39.8]


1 (0.3%)

5 (0.6%)

6 (0.5%)