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Table 3 Percent of participants who have learned about e-cigarettes through various sourcesa

From: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire: what current and future providers do and do not know about electronic cigarettes


Attendings (N = 15)

Residents (N = 15)

Medical Students (N = 33)

Nursing Students (N = 28)


n (%)

Occupation b

8 (53)

2 (13)

10 (30)

6 (21)

Medical journals

7 (47)

4 (27)

3 (9)

0 (0)

Evidence-based summaries c

3 (20)

1 (7)

1 (3)

4 (14)

News outlets

11 (73)

8 (53)

19 (58)

11 (39)

Social media

7 (47)

10 (67)

19 (58)

19 (68)

Magazines and ads

7 (47)

4 (27)

10 (30)

11 (39)

Conversation with e-cigarette non-users

3 (20)

5 (33)

13 (39)

5 (18)

Conversation with e-cigarette users

4 (27)

8 (53)

13 (39)

17 (61)

  1. aResponses are not mutually exclusive
  2. b Occupational sources include lectures, conferences, and meetings
  3. cEvidence-based summaries include Surgeon General’s reports, and consensus study reports