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Table 3 Summary of intervention characteristics and association with effectiveness

From: Brief evidence-based interventions for universal child health services: a restricted evidence assessment of the literature

  1. cRCT Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial, iRCT Individually Randomised Controlled Trial, C Controlled, Child SEWB Child social and emotional wellbeing
  2. Follow up: Short = < 6 months, Medium = 6 months, Long = ≥12 months, Risk of Bias = Assessed by Nice Quality Appraisal Checklist
  3. RAG rating relates to effectiveness: Red = No effect, Amber = Indication of an effect, Green = Significant at the 5% level
  4. * Self-referral to study (e.g. response to advert, contacting triage service)
  5. X = Primary outcome area focused on by intervention
  6. Studies highlighted in purple indicate “Best bet” interventions (significant effect in study with strong methodology and implementable within existing universal child health service)