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Table 1 Summary of Suggestions, Changes, and Barriers to Research Culturally-Targeted at Each Phase of the Adaptation Process

From: Formative research to design a culturally-appropriate cancer clinical trial education program to increase participation of African American and Latino communities

Phase II: Focus Groups

Cultural Areas for Change



Targeted Barriers


Increase font size on images providing cancer statistics. (AA)

Removed those images and added images with larger font and fewer statistics


Pictures need to show clinical trials are for everyone not a specific race/ethnicity (AA)

Pictures were changed to reflect all races and ethnicities

-In ability to understand information on research

-Lack of information on the research process

Change slide background color (AA)

Changed slide background color from light green to white


Increase clarity in presentation (AA, L)

Layout of slides modified to improve flow of presentation; Removed content outlining purpose of presentation; Added two takeaways to presentation

-Inability to understand information on research


Cancer statistics should be presented by race/ethnicity and gender (AA)

Changed to overall cancer statistics for all and top cancers by race/ethnicity and gender

-Lack of information on the research process


Add a video on community member experience in cancer clinical trial participation (L)

Developed videos of community members (1AA, 1 L) telling their experience in participating in a cancer clinical trial.

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods

Need researcher perspective on research process (AA)

Developed videos of researchers (1 AA, 1 L) telling the importance of research.

-Lack of information on the research process


Increase clarity of who could participate in clinical trials (CHE)

Added statement that EVERYONE could participate with examples

-Lack of information on the research process

Reduce big words to simpler language (AA)

Added definitions to presenters notes and/or replaced with simple words

-Inability to understand information on research


Offer presentation in Spanish (L)

Translated the English version into a Spanish version

-Inability to understand information on research


Provide handouts on presentation and information on ways to identify clinical trials (L)

Added handouts during presentation and added information to resource slide on where to find clinical trials

-Lack of information on the research process

-Limited access to clinical trials and healthcare

Add information culturally appealing to the community (AA, L)

-Add content on cancer (e.g., definition, etiology, risk factors), clinical trials (e.g., phases of trials and process at each phase, benefits, costs, sources to get information or register for clinical trials), and protections (e.g., Belmont Principles)

-Lack of information on the research process

Phase III: Scientific Review

Cultural Areas for Change



Targeted Barriers


No Suggestions




Possible barriers to add include injury, travel and lodging costs, and costs to those uninsured

Added these barriers to slides along with information on patient assistance programs

-Lack of information on the research process

-Concerns regarding privacy and costs

Update presenters’ notes with information on genetic testing in biospecimens

Updated presenters’ notes with information provided on genetic testing in biospecimens

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods


Increase clarity on cancer treatment

Added “Cancer is more than one disease” to clarify that more than one treatment is needed to prevent cancer

-Lack of information on cancer

Remove “safely” from “How to safely participate in clinical trials to improve cancer treatment options for your community.”

Removed the slide



No Suggestions



Phase III: Reading Level Assessment

Cultural Areas for Change



Targeted Barriers


Add visuals to compliment topic

Identified topic-appropriate visuals

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods


Clarify difference between patient care versus research costs

Added examples of patient care and research costs

-Lack of information on the research process

Update presenters notes to include additional information on clinical trial process

Added information on what happens at each phase of clinical trials to presenter notes

-Distrust in doctors/researchers

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods


Use simpler term for clinical trial phases

Changed to “how a clinical trial gets to you”

-Lack of information on the research process -Fear of research methods

Phase III: Cognitive Interviews

Cultural Areas for Change



Targeted Barriers


Aesthetics of video testimony could be improved (AA)

Decided not to refilm the video because the suggestion did not apply to the content

-Distrust in doctors/researchers

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods


Consider listing risks of being in a clinical trial (AA)

Decided not to list risk because they can vary by clinical trial; added examples of risks for a specific clinical trial to presenter notes to use if asked

-Lack of information on the research process

-Fear of research methods


Words could be more “community friendly” (AA, L)

Minor modifications to increase clarity

-Inability to understand information on research


How to participate in clinical trials if uninsured, undocumented, and speaks no English. (L)

Added to presenter notes: being undocumented as a barrier; translators in place in most instances for Spanish-speaking individuals; and patient assistance programs for those uninsured.

-Being undocumented limited the Latino community access to clinical trials

Phase IV: Community Review

Cultural Areas for Change



Targeted Barriers


Change pictures to be more appealing (L)

Replaced pictures



Additional clarity needed on informed consent process (AA)

Added information to presenters’ slides on informed consent process

-Concern about privacy and costs in research participation

-Distrust in doctors/researchers


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Use presenters from disadvantaged background (AA)

Identified CHEs representing diverse socio-economic backgrounds

-Distrust in doctors/researchers

  1. The following abbreviations represent who made the suggestions: (AA), African American community member; (L), Latino community member; (CHE), Community Health Educator