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Table 3 Results of the interviews – Examples of quotesa

From: Requirements for (web-based) physical activity interventions targeting adults above the age of 65 years – qualitative results regarding acceptance and needs of participants and non-participants




1. Requirements on interpersonal level


Q 1.1

“Exercising on a regular basis preserves health and well-being. The program is holistic. (participant, female, > 70 years, high level of education)

Q 1.2

“It stimulates you to be physically active. It points out your personal athletic deficits, so you can work on improving them.” (participant, female, > 70 years, high level of education)

Q 1.3

“It motivated me and drove my ambition to do more sports, respectively gymnastics, on a regular basis and the small daily successes supported that.” (participant, female, > 70 years, high level of education)

Q 1.4

“More individualization at the beginning would keep more people on board.” (participant, female, > 70 years, high level of education)

Q 1.5

“More nutrition tips.(participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

2. Requirements on intrapersonal or sociocultural level

Other participants and social exchange

Q 2.1

“The group helps me to stick to the program.” (participant, female, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

Q 2.2

“Yes, it would be nice if it were a mixed group and not only women would be there.” (participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 2.2

“The groups should not be mixed (…).” (participant, female, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 2.3

“Whereby it is not always good when there are couples in the group, they often argue.” (non-participant, female, ≥70 years, high level of education)


“Yes, I find it good, if my friend with whom I already do a few things would also take part.” (non-participant, female, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

Trainers/Exercise instructors


“Well, a professional qualification like the uh, there in, in the fitness field. That people are also trained, not only as fun organizers, but have medical knowledge. That I would like that, yes.” (participant, female, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q 2. 7

“They were approachable, we could ask them and they were forthcoming. I found that to be very good. They were able to convey it very well and I found that to be very, very good.” (participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 2.8

“Well, then we again come up against the “clubby culture, afterwards if we have someone who goes “it’s this way and not that way and not like that”. I mean, it would have to be a very open. That one doesn’t necessarily say “so, this is our leader and, and ….” (non-participant, male, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

3. Requirement on the content level of the proposed program (proposed program performed)

Exercises, instructions and goal setting

Q 3.1

“The exercise catalogue, which was divided into different segments, positively surprised me, respectively, enthused me moderately. Good, interesting exercises! Easy to do for everyone and efficient!(participant, male, high level of education)

Q 3.2

“Perhaps participants should have been separated more according to their level of performance. Particularly for the strength training I would have liked to have other different exercises. The same exercises for ten weeks were monotonous and.” (participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 3.3

“I would have liked to have someone to assist me, at least when doing the first exercises, who would check whether the exercises were being done correctly.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 3.4

“Perhaps a CD with the exercises, which one can look at later on and check if the motions are still correct. It can also be for a price.” (participant, male, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.5

“The demands of the program could be raised after four, respectively, eight weeks.” (participant, female, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.6

“Exercises for the mind (memory training). (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Group meetings

Q 3.7

“Unfortunately, it was like this. In the beginning, when the program started, we were about 20 people, but only four or five showed up for the meetings. These were then also almost always the same people. The one or the other then also came along, but otherwise there were mainly five or six people. Too few. And I really think the exchange is important, so that one can also hear from the others how they go about it (laughs).” (participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.8

“It was too much theory and too little exercising together.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Specific eHealth intervention components

Q 3.9

“Well, about the logging in regularly and taking notes every day, that was indeed a motivation. The stimulation to do a bit of something each day. I then made sure that I was always at the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and on the other two days I tried to cycle a little or to jog once in a while, that is, something that I otherwise had so far avoided.” (participant, female, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.10

“Entering something into the PC every day was too much.” (participant, female, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.11

“Monitoring the number of steps with the Fitbit is informative.(participant, female, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q 3.12

“The synchronization with the Fitbit-App was at times very tedious (several attempts required).(participant, male, < 70 years, high level of education)

4. Requirements on spatial level


Q 4.1

“Well, there I would say if it has to be, then close to here in the area, but not too … if I first have to go to the other side of the town,, to the stadium or so in that direction, that is always quite a ride for us. Also not long, but not such that one is already tired from exercising. To the university, that would also be quite fast.” (non-participant, male, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 4.2

“And I would even go as far as Osterholz, they are supposed to also have a nice swimming pool.(non-participant, male, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 4.3

“When there’s a lot of traffic I would say I am there in 15 to 20 min. That would be possible, yes. One could also use the bike if need be, isn’t it? Well, but I wouldn’t really want to cycle into the city center or wherever else. I wouldn’t have/ I wouldn’t do that. That would be too far for me. That is a quarter of an hour, maximum 20 min.(non-participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)


Q 4.4

“And the venues, they were not appropriate. Well, I think it is probably difficult to find a suitable location. We sometimes had to do something in a very small area. I mean, it was nobody’s fault, in this, that was in the multigenerational house, sometimes we had the large room, then it was super, there one could move around.” (participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

Q 4.5

“If one does sports, then one can’t only do so in a gym or in such places where there are appropriate (mats?). I think it was okay like that, it was a closed room.” (participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q 4.6

“Yes, it should really be a location where there are other things nearby that one needs to do. Let’s say for example if one can do the shopping, other things, that is, everyday stuff things that one can do. So that I can say, okay, “I’ll do a bit of shopping, stop by the post office and then I have to do this and so forth.” That it’s in such an area. Well, and if one also had the chance to be inside or outside, depending on the time of the year, there would be nothing wrong with that, it doesn’t always have to be somewhere outside or only inside, but rather such that one would have different possibilities.” (participant, male, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

5. Requirements at the digital level


Q 5.1

“To design the website better: i.e. make it easier for senior participants to understand. (participant, female, ≥70 years, medium level of education)


Q 5.2

“There were participants who had major problems installing the program. Their questions were not, respectively, could not be answered, they gave up, they were somehow excluded and I never saw them again.” (participant, male, > 70 years)


Q 5.3

“(…) it would therefore have been better to focus on the title “fit” and to place the sports part at the beginning. The questions and explanations regarding the technique can then be explained at the end if needed.” (participant, male, < 70 years, high level of education)

6. Requirements at the organizational level

Sequence and duration

Q 6.1

“Improvement successes, changes in awareness, should be documented and assessed over a longer period.” (participant, male, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 6.2

“Yes, it was a bit too long I have to say, for me that is. One somehow loses interest a bit afterwards, well, it’s the same thing over and over again. In the end it is only then. At some point one just saysOh well, okay.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)


Q 6.3

“That would be an obstacle for me and if I could wish for something, that would be some kind of uh, open system, which provides certain things that however do not mean that one is committed to participate at fixed times with certain people. Those for me, would be the ideal conditions.” (non-participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Local stakeholders

Q 6.4

“Representatives from sports club should present their activities during group meetings.” (participant, male, < 70 years, high level of education)

Q 6.5

“Of course, there is a financial span. It should not be too expensive, but a certain fee, what one also pays for a sports club membership or wherever, no problem at all.(participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Age-, gender-, and education-related specifics of the requirement profile

Age-specific factors

Q A.1

“Well, the chemistry just has to be right. It somehow has to be people, that one somehow has some common interests.(participant, male, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q A.2

“Well, in order not to have large differences (laughs), it would be nice if the same age groups would be there, I’d say it should be from 60.” (participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q A.3

“But somewhere where one says, okay, they accept you, I accept them. But let’s say like 35 to 40 year olds.” (non-participant, male, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

Q A.4

“Well, it should be somewhere close, okay? I wouldn’t want to like have to drive far to get there, that I first have to drive 20 km or so.” (non-participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q A.5

“Well, it would have to be a gym where one, we at times were, okay, one could somehow change clothes. Those who came by car were already wearing their sports clothes.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q A.6

“Larger rooms. I don’t like to move around if I’m touching strangers all the time and a good room atmosphere is important to me.” (participant, female, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q A.7

“It’s very complex and time consuming.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q A.8

“The exercises can be mastered by experienced and by untrained people of that age group. Little time is required.” (participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q A.9

“I wish it would take place once a week.” (non-participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

Q A.10

“Uh, and it has to take place at least twice a week. It can also be even three times, but I think twice a week is very important to be able to keep in tune. Plus, there is also the possibility to do the exercises at home but I am a little phlegmatic I. (non-participant, female, ≥70 years, medium level of education)

Gender-specific factors

Q G.1

“Because it was fun to learn something about improving my physical and mental health in a group setting.” (participant, female, > 70 years, high level of education)

Q G.2

“In principle, I’m a bit reserved when it comes to organized activities. I mean, groups, I am not a big group person.” (non-participant, male, ≥70 years, high level of education)

Q G.3

“This is my personal …, as I said, I met two ladies who I have contact with because I had been looking for company and we will deepen this relationship.” (participant, female, > 70 years, medium level of education)

Q G.4

“Not all participants have access to the internet, particularly older participants. Hard copies would have been better.” (participant, female, < 70 years, medium level of education)

  1. a To improve readability the quotations have been linguistically polished to a small extent