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Table 3 Summary of interviews’ emergent themes and relative frequency of discussion by topic

From: Combined effects of gender affirmation and economic hardship on vulnerability to HIV: a qualitative analysis among U.S. adult transgender women

Study topic

Relative frequency of discussiona,b

Emergent themes

Gender transition


Transition occurs in stages but does not define womanhood


Financial barriers to medical transitioning


Use of lower-cost and non-prescribed medications


Taking on only small transition expenses


Waiting to “come out” until transition is completed


Limited access to gender affirming services



Termination due to disclosed transgender identity


No transition or full transition is most protective against job discrimination


Sex exchange as source of employment while gender transitioning


Challenges with name change and name preferences at work


Need for trans-sensitivity training for local employers


Higher pre-transition earning power



Useful to have trans-supportive housing


Difficulty accessing housing due to transgender identity

HIV services


Linking transition services to HIV testing/care


Concerns for trans discrimination by health care system


Discussing HIV prevention with sex partners


Effect of transition on sex partner accessibility and relationship

  1. [a] Based on n = 19 trans women; [b] Relative frequency of responses are denoted by: * discussed by < 20% trans women; ** discussed by 20 to 35% trans women; ****discussed by 35 to 50% trans women; ****** discussed by > 50% of trans women