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Table 1 Risk Behavior Diagnosis Scale Questions to Classify Adolescent and Young Adult Pesticide Applicators Perceived Efficacy and Threat

From: Risk perception and behavior in Egyptian adolescent pesticide applicators: an intervention study



Perceived Efficacy

Q11 Using a stick instead of my hands to mix pesticides will prevent me from getting sick

Q12 I am able to use a stick instead of my hands to mix pesticides

Q15 Staying out of fields that were recently sprayed will prevent me from getting sick

Q16 I can stay out of fields that were recently sprayed

Q19 Changing into clean clothes after working with pesticides will prevent me from getting sick

Q20 I can wear clean clothes with no pesticide residues

Perceived Threat

Q9 Using hands to mix pesticides can cause sickness

Q10 If I mix pesticides with my hands it could make me sick

Q13 Entering fields that were recently sprayed will cause sickness

Q14 If I enter a field that was recently sprayed I am likely to get sick

Q17 Wearing clothes with pesticide residues on them for several hours will cause sickness

Q18 If I wear clothes with pesticide residues for several hours, I am likely to get sick