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Table 1 Characteristics of participants (N = 647)

From: Moderation effect of emotion regulation on the relationship between social anxiety, drinking motives and alcohol related problems among university students*


M (SD) or n (%)


20.92 (3.20)


445 (68.8%)

Social Anxiety Disorder

 SIAS >40a

157 (24.3%)

 SPS > 28a

147 (22.7%)

Alcohol Use Disorder

 AUDIT ≥12b

172 (22.6%)

  1. SIAS Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, SPS Social Phobia Scale, AUDIT Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
  2. aClinical cut-off scores of the Korean version of the SIAS and the SPS (Kim et al., 2013 [33]), bClinical cut-off score of the Korean version of the AUDIT (Lee et al., 2000 [34])