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Table 5 Quotes related to willingness to pay for testing

From: Expanding access to HIV testing through Canadian community pharmacies: findings from the APPROACH study

Convenience and desire to access POCT

‘Oh yeah, for sure because I have to pay anywhere from $15 to $30 when I see [nurse practitioner] anyhow… I don’t mind slapping down $20 to go in right away where I don’t have to sit down for 3 hours. My time is worth money and $20 is nothing, I make more than that in 1 hour where I work. I mean it’s well worth it, right?”

Equity of access

”I think you’d have a lot more target audience, especially low income families, if it’s free. Sometimes these people are more at risk, people who are drug users are not going to go in and pay $25 for a test. But if [the government] covers it then you’ll have a lot more target audience to go after. So I don’t think it should have to be paid for. Financial barriers is one of the biggest barriers out there. I mean, I’d pay $10 to be honest but I know lots of people who wouldn’t.”

“I would pay for the HIV testing only if there was a free service option available for those who cannot afford the test. If it’s being rolled-out in inner city communities, there should be a payment system whereby those who can afford it will pay a price, which may help cover the costs of those who cannot.”