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Table 2 Measurement Scales and Reliability Statistics

From: Communicating radon risk via a smartphone app: a pilot intervention study

Measurement scales



Attitudes toward radon testing:

 bad – good, negative – positive, unfavorable – favorable, dislike – like, and worthless – valuable



Perceived severity of the threat:

 • I feel lung cancer would be a very serious illness for me.

 • If I had lung cancer, my whole life would change.



Perceived susceptibility of the threat:

 • I am more likely to get lung cancer because of how I live my life.

 • Personally, I feel vulnerable to developing lung cancer.



Response efficacy:

 • I feel that a radon test would help me personally to reduce my risk of lung cancer.

 • I have a lot to gain from conducting a radon test in my home.




 • If I wanted, I could easily perform a radon test.

 • I feel like I would know how to test my home for radon if I wanted to.



  1. a calculated by Cronbach’s alpha
  2. b calculated by Spearman-Brown coefficient