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Table 2 Specific outcomes by outcome category

From: The relationship between household chaos and child, parent, and family outcomes: a systematic scoping review

Outcome Category

Specific Outcomes Assessed

Cognitive and academic

Academic achievement/performance

Cognitive ability/outcomes/development

Executive function


Study skills

Reading comprehension

Intellectual functioning

Socio-emotional and behavioural

Response to challenge and task persistence:

 • Response to academic challenge

 • Task persistence

 • Processing speed

Behavioural and social:

 • Behavioural (including peer problems, conduct problems, impulsivity, aggression, anger, and prosocial behaviour)

 • Anxiety and stress

 • Social-emotional (including social problems, social competence, adjustment issues, and negative emotionality)

 • Attention/ADHD

 • Risk taking (including substance use, sexual activity, violence-related risk-taking, delinquency, and cheating)

 • Self-regulation and inhibitory control

 • Depression

 • Temperament

 • Future beliefs and aspirations

 • Empathy

 • Callous-unemotional traits and psychopathic characteristics


Verbal/expressive vocabulary and non-verbal abilities

Receptive vocabulary

Parenting, family, and household functioning


 • Differential parenting

 • Parent-child closeness

 • Parenting – general

 • Parental self-efficacy

 • Parental mood

 • Harsh parenting

 • Discipline

 • Sibling relationships

 • Sleep-disturbing behaviours of family members

 • Parental reactions

 • Maternal attribution bias

 • Emotional availability

 • Child representation of family dysfunction

Household characteristics and food security:

 • Food security

 • Family meal atmosphere

Parent outcomes

Maternal executive function

Parent diet/eating behaviours/weight status

Maternal depression

Maternal fatigue

Maternal/parent sleep


Cortisol levels/profile

Autonomic nervous system activity

Developmental stability of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity

Gut biomarkers

Inflammatory profile

Physical health, health behaviours, and communication disorders

Health/disease/disorder outcomes:

 • Child weight/weight status

 • HbA1c

 • Child health

 • Stuttering severity

 • Physical health symptoms

Diet and Dietary behaviours:

 • Eating in the absence of hunger

 • Maternal feeding goals

 • Food-related behaviours


 • Sleep

 • Sleep anxiety

Other health behaviours/outcomes:

 • TV viewing behaviours in a laboratory setting

 • Maternal perceptions about physical activity