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Table 2 Dental caries experience and anthropometric status of mother and child by child’s HIV-1 exposure status at follow-up in the Ugandan part of the PROMISE PEP M&S study

From: Caries experience and oral health related quality of life in a cohort of Ugandan HIV-1 exposed uninfected children compared with a matched cohort of HIV unexposed uninfected children


HIV- exposed uninfected (n = 164) % (n)

HIV- unexposed uninfected (n = 181) % (n)


 dmftc > 0% (n)

48 (79)a

60 (109)

 Mean dmftc (sd)

2.0 (3.1)

2.1 (2.7)

 dt > 0% (n)

48 (77)

57 (104)

 Mean dt (sd)d

1.9 (2.8)

1.9 (2.5)

 DT > 0% (n)

4 (7)

5 (10)

 No of erupted permanent teeth mean (sd)

4.2 (3.8)b

6.3 (5.8)

 No of maintained primary teeth mean (sd)

17.4 (7.2)b

14.7 (7.5)

 WAZe weight for age (sd)d

−0.71 (1.1)

−0.70 (1.2)

 HAZf height for age (sd)d

−0.72 (2.0)

−0.51 (1.8)

 WHZg weight for height (sd)d

−0.30 (1.7)

−0.53 (1.1)


 DMFTc > 0% (n)

81 (133)b

71 (129)

 Mean DMFTc (sd)d

4.6 (5.3)b

2.8 (3.2)

  1. ap < 0.05;χ2test,bp < 0.001 χ2test,c dmft/DMFT- Decayed, missing, filled teeth, d standard deviation e weight for age z score, f height for age z score, g weight for height z score