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Table 1 ASIA Questionnaire

From: Screening and care for alcohol use disorder in France: expectations, barriers and levers using a mixed-methods approach

I. General information


Possible answers

Additional details

1. Gender



2. Education

High school diploma/Bachelor’s degree/Postgraduate degree


3. Children


Do they live with you?

4. Do you live …?

Alone/ in a couple/ with other adults/ other


5. Do you have a job?


What kind of contract do you have?

Permanent contract, fixed-term contract/temporary worker/self-employed/other:

No: Student/Retired/Jobseeker/other:

6. Employment

Unemployment benefit/ Disability allowance/scholarship/ retirement pension


7. Do you live in …?

Own house/friend’s house/parents’ house/homeless shelter


8. Housing conditions

Very uncomfortable / Uncomfortable / Comfortable / Very comfortable


9. In the last 3 years, have you consulted a dentist?



10. Do you wear glasses?


In the last 3 years, have you consulted an ophthalmologist? (Yes/no)

11. Do you have access to the internet?



12. Do you have a means of transport (car, bike, public transport network nearby, etc.)?



II. Alcohol consumption

1. Do you think that your alcohol consumption could harm your health?



2. Do you feel a physical / psychological craving when you do not consume alcohol?



3. Have you ever had any health problems related to your drinking?

No/Yes, slight problems which decreasing my consumption resolved/

Yes, serious problems that required medical treatment (medicines, surgery, etc.)


4. How long have you been at your current level of alcohol consumption?

Less than 1 year / 1 to 3 years / 3 to 5 years / 5 to 10 years / Over 10 years



In the last week, how would you describe your desire to drink (0 corresponding to no desire to drink and 5 to a very strong desire to drink)

a) ... when you wake up?

0 1 2 3 4 5

b) ... in the morning, between waking up and lunch?

0 1 2 3 4 5

c) ... at lunch?

0 1 2 3 4 5

d) ... in the afternoon before 5 pm?

0 1 2 3 4 5

e) ... after 5 pm and before dinner?

0 1 2 3 4 5

f) ... at dinner?

0 1 2 3 4 5

g) ... in the late evening after dinner?

0 1 2 3 4 5

III. Consumption of other drugs

1. In the past 3 months, have you used any of the following psychoactive substances? (Several choices possible)

Opiates (heroin) / Cocaine / Cannabis / Synthetic Drugs (MDMA, ecstasy, etc.)

For each substance cited, the frequency is requested

Less than once a month / Once a month / Once a week / Almost every day

2. In the past 3 months, have you taken benzodiazepines (anxiolytics: Valium®, Xanax®, Lexomil®)


Outside of medical prescription / As part of a medical prescription, respecting the dosage and/or duration of treatment / As part of a medical prescription, exceeding the dosage and/or duration of treatment

3. Do you smoke tobacco?

Yes, regularly / Yes, a cigarette from time to time / No, but you smoked regularly in the past / No, never


IV. Experiences and feelings related to alcohol consumption

1. In general, what sensations does drinking give you?

Euphoria / Well-being / Appeasement / Decreased Anxiety / Decreased Sadness / Disinhibition / Self-Confidence / Feeling time goes faster / Sleep / Shame / Depression / Aggressiveness / Depression / Suicidal thoughts / Anxiety / Boredom / None / Other:


2. Do you socialize with heavy drinkers?


Do they live with you?

3. In general, in which context (s) do you consume alcohol?

Alone / With your spouse, companion / At work / At home / With friends / In a bar / In public places (park, street, etc.) / In a restaurant / When going out to a party (nightclub, etc.) / Other:


4. Have you ever felt discriminated against because of your drinking? (By discriminated we mean that you did not receive the same treatment / reception / attention as another person).


In the hospital / At the doctor’s / In my daily life (friends, shops, institutions, etc.) / In my professional environment / In my family / Other(s):

V. Objectives/Aims concerning alcohol consumption

1. Would you like to change your alcohol consumption?


Reducing your consumption/Becoming sober/Controlling your consumption

2. Are you aware that you can receive medical care for alcohol misuse even if you do not wish to be completely sober?



VI. Care received

1. Do you have a doctor (usual doctor, family doctor)?



2. How would you describe your relationship with your doctor?

Very good / Good / Not bad / Poor / Very poor


3. Have you ever talked about your drinking with your doctor?

Yes, of his/her initiative / Yes, of my initiative / No


4. Have you ever sought or received medical help to try to stop or reduce your alcohol consumption?

Yes, in the last 3 years / Yes, more than 3 years ago / Never

If never:

You do not need it / You do not feel like it / You are scared / You do not have enough money / You live too far away from a hospital / doctor / health facility / You do not want to do not want to be sober / You do not feel able / You do not have enough time / You do not know who to talk to / You are ashamed to talk about it / You do not trust the healthcare system / You previously had a very negative experience / You did seek help, but did not receive the help you expectedp