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Table 8 Demographic characteristics of full adolescent sample from class P7, compared to adolescent sample from class P7 whose caregivers participated in survey (Note: all P7 students’ caregivers were invited to participate)

From: Violence against children and intimate partner violence against women: overlap and common contributing factors among caregiver-adolescent dyads


Full adolescent P7 sample (n = 1171)

Adolescent P7 sample with matched caregivers (n = 800)

Age, mean (SD)

13.95 (1.3)

13.99 (1.2)

Sex, % (n)


54.57 (639)

56.00 (448)


45.43 (532)

44.00 (352)

Past week school absences, % (n)

 No days missed

85.89 (998)

82.84 (657)

 One or more days missed

14.11 (164)

17.16 (140)

Meals eaten yesterday

 1 meal or fewer

13.25 (155)

15.18 (121)

 2 meals

38.89 (455)

40.78 (325)

 3 or more meals

47.86 (560)

44.04 (351)