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Table 6 Socioeconomic Status Items and Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis

From: Violence against children and intimate partner violence against women: overlap and common contributing factors among caregiver-adolescent dyads





Initial results

After excluding non-sig. Items

Do you own or rent a property, live somewhere without paying, or does your employer pay for your accommodation?

1 = Does not own

2 = Owns



How many children aged 17 years and younger sleep in the same sleeping area with you?

0 = No children

1 = One child

2 = More than one child



Thinking about your house where you live now, what is the main material of the floor

1 = Earth, sand, or dung

2 = Ceramic, cement, carpet



Does your household own electricity?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does your household own a radio?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does your household own a television?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own a watch?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own a mobile phone?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own a motorcycle?

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own land that can be used for agriculture? ¥

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own livestock, herds, other farm animals, or poultry? ¥

1 = No 2 = Yes



Does any member of your household own a bicycle? ¥

1 = No 2 = Yes



Yesterday, how many meals did you eat? (Ate at least two meals yesterday) ¥

0 = No or one meal

1 = Two or more meals



How many adults aged 18 years and older sleep in the same sleeping area with you?¥

0 = No adults

1 = One adult

2 = More than one adult



  1. ¥dropped because of non-significant p value (>.05)