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Table 2 Perception of participants on HBHTC effectiveness, efficiency, and early care for HIV (n = 933)

From: Feasibility of home-based HIV counselling and testing and linking to HIV services among women delivering at home in Geita, Tanzania: a household longitudinal survey


Facility-based delivery

Home-based delivery


X2 (P-Values)

No. (%)

No. (%)

No. (%)

HBHCT saves time


357 (81.3)

410 (74)

767 (77.2)

7.80 (0.020)


52 (11.8)

97 (17.5)

149 (15)


30 (6.8)

47 (8.5)

77 (7.8)

HBHCT reaches more people


305 (69.5)

357 (64.4)

662 (66.7)



48 (10.9)

78 (14.1)

126 (12.7)

3.26 (0.195)


86 (19.6)

119 (21.5)

205 (20.6)

HBHCT links to PMTCT earlier


283 (64.5)

310 (56)

593 (59.7)



138 (31.4)

220 (39.7)

358 (36.1)

7.65 (0.022)


18 (4.1)

24 (4.3)

42 (4.2)

  1. Per cent distribution and comparison of perception of women who delivered at home versus those delivered at the health facilities on the importance of HBHCT in terms of saving time, coverage and link to PMTCT services earlier, EPO project 2017