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Table 1 Background Characteristics of Study Sample, N = 828

From: Mental health symptoms and their relations with dietary diversity and nutritional status among mothers of young children in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo


Mean (SD) or N (%)



440 (53.1)


388 (46.5)

Livelihoods Zone


114 (13.7)


459 (55.4)


255 (30.6)

Intervention Groupa


152 (18.4)


285 (34.4)


118 (14.3)


113 (13.6)


160 (19.3)

Household Size

7.8 (2.6)

Household Income, Median (IQR)b

22,500 (9500, 45,000)

Severely Food Insecurec

556 (67.8)

Maternal Age

29.6 (6.3)

Education Level


261 (31.7)

 Some Primary School

401 (48.7)

 Some Secondary School

162 (19.7)


745 (90.1)

Ethnic Group


350 (42.4)


396 (47.9)


16 (1.9)


26 (3.1)


11 (1.3)


27 (3.3)

Living in Territory of Origin

618 (74.7)

Self-reported Health Status


221 (26.9)


298 (36.2)


270 (32.8)

 Very good/Excellent

34 (4.1)

Number of Children

5.4 (2.3)

Experienced Death of a Child

239 (28.9)


160 (19.3)

  1. aWEG Women’s Empowerment Group, PM2A Prevention of Malnutrition in Children under 2 Approach, FFS Farmer Field Schools, F2F Farmer to Farmer
  2. bPast month, Congolese francs
  3. cHousehold Food Insecurity Access Scale