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Table 4 Multilevel mixed-effects linear regression testing the impact of social capital on self-rated health, post-Transform (Endline data)

From: The relationship between social capital and self-rated health: a multilevel analysis based on a poverty alleviation program in the Philippines


Unstandardised estimate (S.E.)

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Model 4


79.71 (0.74)***

31.81 (10.02)***

31.78 (5.53)***

34.31 (10.12)**

Fixed effects

 Bonding SC


−4.44 (3.31)

−3.25 (2.24)

−10.15 (4.20)*

 Bridging SC


6.20 (3.16)*

5.38 (2.19)*

−7.80 (12.46)

 Cognitive SC


4.22 (2.66)

5.42 (2.77)*

10.14 (4.12)*

 Bonding SC x Bridging SC


27.26 (13.82)*

 Bridging SC x Cognitive SC


−13.94 (6.99)*

Random effects

 Level 1 variance

375.87 (37.90)

361.71 (36.09)

326.28 (10.76)

323.96 (31.17)

 Level 2


  Variance of random intercepts (RI)

14.82 (5.89)

15.65 (6.21)

196.60 (53.09)

195.74 (72.06)

  Variance of random slopes (RS)


256.37 (71.25)

256.41 (82.10)

  Covariance between the RI and RS


−216.55 (59.85)

− 215.56 (75.40)





Model information criteria






  1. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001
  2. a A single estimate for ICC is not available for Models 3 and 4 as it is a function of the variable for which random slopes are specified (i.e. conditional on the values of cognitive social capital)
  3. The following covariates were also controlled for in the models: age, sex, marital status, number of people in household, highest educational attainment, whether the respondent is in work, religion, food security and hygiene. The estimates for these variables can be found in Additional file 1: Table S7A