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Table 1 Stages of change with brief descriptions

From: Effectiveness of digital health using the transtheoretical model to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in impaired glucose tolerance patients: protocol for a randomized control trial

Stage of change


Precontemplation (PC)

The individual is not willing to change in the foreseeable future (measured as the next 6 months). Individuals in this stage are mostly uninformed or demoralized.

Contemplation (C)

The individual is willing to change in the next 6 months. Individuals in this stage are aware of some pros of behavior change but are still more inclined to value the cons.

Preparation (P)

The individual is willing to change in the foreseeable future (measured as the next month) and has already taken some small steps towards change (in the past year). Individuals in this stage usually have some plan on how to tackle this inactiveness.

Action (A)

The individual has changed, but not longer than 6 months. Individuals in this stage have ‘changed’ but have not reached the duration which exemplifies real behavior change.

Maintenance (M)

The individual has changed, longer than 6 months. Individuals in this stage have changed and are working not to relapse.

Adapted from open access of reference [31]