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Table 1 Career progression and capacity application experiences of training participants

From: Determinants of effective organisational capacity training: lessons from a training programme on health workforce development with participants from three African countries



Institutional affiliation

Positions – before training

Position – during/after training

Opportunities to apply

Reason for leaving/staying


Social Science

Locally based training institute

Coordinator of the university’s research project site

Coordinator of the university’s research project site

Had few opportunities to apply capacity in current role

Stayed despite lack of recognition by employer and lack of opportunities due to lack of better alternatives, has a non-medical background


Medical Science

Locally based training institute

MD and lecturer

Head of national human resources department

Multiple opportunity to apply capacity within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Left despite high recognition by employer, seniority and multiple opportunity to apply capacity, due to career change, lack of commitment to organisation and family commitments


Medical Science


Hospital director

Head of national human resources department, and later head of the national health department

Multiple opportunity to apply capacity within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed despite poor wages due to high recognition by employer, promotion, challenging assignments, and commitment to organisation and service


Medical Science


Head of human resource at provincial health department

Works for an international agency, advisor to the provincial health department

Former role offers multiple opportunity to practice, current role also offers opportunities for application

Left despite recognition, and challenging responsibilities, due to low salary, possibility to continue working with MOH as a member of external development partner


Social Science


Human resource officer at provincial health department

Head of human resource at provincial health department

Multiple opportunities to apply capacity within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed due to (albeit delayed) recognition by employer, promotion, challenging assignments




Training officer at MOH

Head of HR of a public hospital

Had opportunity to apply capacity in current and former role

Stayed due to recognition by employer, promotion, challenging assignments


Medical Science

Locally based training institute


Lecturer, teaching HRH–related modules

Multiple opportunities to apply capacity within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed due to high recognition by employer, challenging assignments, career advancement, additional income


Social Science


Procurement manager of a hospital

Head of HR development for a private company

Former role offers little opportunities to practice, multiple opportunity for practice in current role

Left due to low-salary, poor recognition and career prospects


Social Science


Trainer at national human resource Directorate

Head of HR planning, National HRH Directorate, MOH

Multiple opportunities to apply capacity within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed due to recognition, promotion, job satisfaction


Social Science


Financial Manager, sub-national structure, MOH

Head of HR, public hospital

Had an opportunity to apply capacity in current and former role

Stayed due to recognition, and relevant assignments


Medical Science

Locally based training institute

Researcher and lecturer

Works for an international agency

Former role offers little opportunity to practice, multiple opportunity for practice in current role

Left due to low salary, low career prospects


Social Science


Director of Health Training Centre in district

Permanent secretary of government in a district, Director General of a district

Had opportunity to apply capacity in current and former role

Stayed due to recognition, promotion


Social Science

Locally based training institute

University research project staff

Lecturer, teaches HR-related courses. Coordinator of academic programmes, project manager

Multiple opportunities to apply within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed due to employer recognition, promotion, job security, advanced from project to permanent academic staff


Medical Science

Local-based training institute

University project staff

Lecturer of HRH-related modules, coordinator of HRH-related postgraduate programme

Multiple within the institution and represent institution in partnership with other institutions

Stayed due to recognition; promotion, job security, transitioned from project to permanent academic staff


Medical Science


District hospital director

Director General for Planning, Health Financing & Information System, MOH

Had multiple opportunities to practice in current role

Stayed due to recognition, promotion, challenging assignments, job satisfaction


Medical Science


District hospital director

Clinical practice, and management of private health facilities

Had multiple opportunities to apply capacity in former and current role

Left due to family issues, lack of administrative support, career change


Medical Science



Director of a unit, MOH

Had opportunity to apply capacity in current and former role

Stayed due to recognition, promotion, challenging assignments


Medical Science


Researcher and programme manager

Director of programme, MOH

Had multiple opportunities to practice in current role

Stayed due to recognition by employer, promotion