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Table 2 Comparison of participant characteristics in subsequent study phases: Those participating in the home interview only (n = 108) versus those taking part also in the subsequent physical assessments at the research center (n = 910); and those participating in the research center (n = 415) versus those also participating in the accelerometry-based physical activity assessments (n = 496)

From: Assessing physical performance and physical activity in large population-based aging studies: home-based assessments or visits to the research center?


Home interview only

Research visit


Research visit only



% (n) / Mean ± SD

% (n) / Mean ± SD


% (n) / Mean ± SD

% (n) / Mean ± SD


Age (75 years)

21.3 (23)

47.7 (434)

<.001 a

44.3 (184)

50.5 (250)

.062 a

 (80 years)

38.9 (42)

32.1 (292)


32.3 (134)

31.9 (158)


 (85 years)

39.8 (43)

20.2 (184)


23.4 (97)

17.6 (87)


Sex (Female)

60.2 (65)

56.9 (518)

.586 a

53.5 (222)

59.8 (296)

.065 a

Living situation (Alone)

51.4 (55)

40.0 (364)

.031 a

44.3 (184)

36.5 (180)

.019 a

Perceived financial status (Good-excellent)

58.3 (60)

60.5 (546)

.820 a

57.5 (237)

62.9 (309)

.123 a

Self-rated health (Good-excellent)

30.2 (32)

47.4 (431)

.001 a

44.8 (186)

49.5 (245)

.180 a

No limitations due to health & function

20.0 (21)

42.1 (383)

<.001 a

41.9 (174)

42.2 (209)

.982 a

No ADL limitations

77.3 (75)

88.5 (791)

.003 a

86.1 (346)

90.4 (445)

.053 a

No walking difficulty 500 m

57.6 (57)

79.8 (714)

<.001 a

77.1 (314)

82.0 (400)

.089 a

Mobility device (Yes)

43.0 (43)

21.5 (194)

<.001 a

24.1 (99)

19.3 (95)

.096 a

Physical activity level (Low PA < 3 h)

61.9 (60)

44.8 (401)

.002 a

49.0 (199)

41.3 (202)

.025 a

Neighborhood mobility (Daily)

46.1 (47)

62.2 (565)

.002 a

62.8 (260)

61.7 (305)

.795 a

Season (Winter)

17.6 (19)

22.2 (202)

.305 a

20.0 (83)

24.0 (119)

.058 a


28.7 (31)

21.2 (193)


24.3 (101)

18.6 (92)



34.3 (37)

35.1 (319)


32.5 (135)

37.2 (184)



19.4 (21)

21.5 (196)


23.1 (96)

20.2 (100)


Body Mass Index (Normal or underweight)




28.0 (116)

30.1 (149)

.524 a

MMSE score

25.9 ± 3.0

27.3 ± 2.5

<.001 c

27.1 ± 2.5

27.4 ± 2.4

.082 c

CES-D score

9.5 ± 7.4

8.5 ± 7.1

.198 c

9.5 ± 7.5

7.8 ± 6.6

<.001 c

Years of education (years)

10.5 ± 3.9

11.7 ± 4.7

.025 c

11.8 ± 5.1

11.6 ± 4.3

.956 c

Max handgrip strength (N)

262.4 ± 93.8

310.3 ± 103.1

<.001 b

303.0 ± 96.9

316.4 ± 107.7

.051 b

Walking speed SPPB (m/s)

0.8 ± 0.3

1.0 ± 0.3

<.001 b

0.9 ± 0.3

1.0 ± 0.3

.018 b

Self-reported physical activity of at least moderate intensity (min/day)

30.4 ± 23.1

41.9 ± 27.6

<.001 c

39.5 ± 27.1

43.9 ± 27.9

.006 c

Self-reported upright posture (min/day)

303.6 ± 162.9

352.0 ± 148.6

<.001 c

336.8 ± 144.1

364.7 ± 151.3

.004 c

  1. ADL Activities of Daily Living, PA Physical Activity, MMSE Mini-Mental State Examination, CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies for Depression
  2. a Chi-square test, b Independent T-test, c Mann-Whitney U test