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Table 1 Study Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: A systematic review of BCG vaccination policies among high-risk groups in low TB-burden countries: implications for vaccination strategy in Canadian indigenous communities

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Publication Timeframe and Language

 • Studies published after 1988

 • Studies published in English or French

• Studies published before 1988

• Studies in languages other than English or French

Study Population

 • Taking place among a high-risk group in a low TB-burden country

  o Low-burden countries are defined as those with less than 100 TB cases per million population [21].

• Not taking place among a high-risk group in a low TB-burden country (or, if including both low and high-burden countries, not stratifying results by burden level).

 o Countries excluded in the initial search were those on the current list of high-TB-burden countries provided by the WHO [22] (see Additional file 1).

 o Further countries were excluded during abstract screening if they did not meet the WHO’s low incidence cut-off of less than 100 TB cases per million population after consultation of the WHO TB database [23].

• Studies taking place in other contexts considered not relevant to BCG vaccination considerations in the Canadian Indigenous setting, (e.g. studies taking place only among immune-compromised subjects)

Study Design

 • Epidemiological studies

 • Case studies

 • Public health policy reviews or reports

• Animal, ex-vivo, molecular biology or non-clinical studies

• Editorials, commentaries, conference abstracts, or outdated policy reports for countries for which newer versions were already included in the review

Reported Outcomes

 • Studies providing information on BCG vaccination policies, and specifically, information regarding:

  o Effectiveness of BCG in the target population

  o Possible harms of vaccination

  o Possible harms / implications of discontinuation of vaccination

• Studies not relating to BCG vaccination for TB (e.g. studies on TB screening or diagnosis)

• Studies on novel vaccine development

• Studies not providing information on BCG vaccination policies, and specifically, information regarding:

 o Effectiveness of BCG in the target population

 o Possible harms of vaccination

 o Possible harms / implications of discontinuation of vaccination

• Studies on vaccination policy of healthcare personnel