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Table 1 BCTs excluded

From: Using theory of change to develop an intervention theory for designing and evaluating behavior change SDApps for healthy eating and physical exercise: the OCAPREV theory

BCTs excluded

BCTs (corresponding numbers in Michie’s Taxonomy)

BCTs excluded because they are not suitable with application specificities or did not fit with the field (diet and physical activity).

1.6 Discrepancy between current behavior and goal

2.6 Biofeedback

8.1 Behavioral practice/rehearsal, 8.3 Habit formation

10.1 Material incentive (behavior), 10.2 Material reward (behavior), 10.3 Non-specific reward

11.1 Pharmacological support

13.3 Incompatible beliefs, 13.5 Identity associated with changed behavior

15.2 Mental rehearsal of successful performance

BCTs excluded because they did not comply with the two ethical principles

1.8 Behavioral contract

2.1 Monitoring of behavior by others without feedback, 2.5 Monitoring of outcome(s) of behavior without feedback

5.2 Salience of consequences, 5.5 Anticipated regret

7.2 Cue signalling reward, 7.4 Remove access to the reward, 7.6 Satiation, 7.8 Associative learning

8.4 Habit reversal, 8.5 Overcorrection, 8.6 Generalisation of target behavior

9.3 Comparative imagining of future outcomes

10.5 Social incentive, 10.6 Non-specific incentive, 10.8 lncentive (outcome), 10.10 Reward (outcome), 10.11 Future punishment

11.4 Paradoxical instructions

12.6 Body changes

14.1 Behavior cost, 14.2 Punishment, 14.3 Remove reward, 14.4 Reward approximation, 14.5 Rewarding completion, 14.6 Situation-specific reward, 14.7 Reward incompatible behavior, 14.8 Reward alternative behavior, 14.9 Reduce reward frequency, 14.10 Remove punishment

16.1 Imaginary punishment, 16.3 Vicarious consequences