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Table 4 Overview of change methods

From: Preventing adolescent sexual harassment: evaluating the planning process in two school-based interventions using the Intervention Mapping framework


Benzies & Batchies



used in the program

Basic methods at the individual level

 • Persuasive communication

Use arguments to guide students toward an attitude or action



 • Active learning

Encourage students to learn from activity-based experience



 • Modeling

Provide an appropriate model



 • Feedback

Give the students information on the extent to which they are accomplishing learning or performance



Methods to change attitudes, beliefs

 • Self-reevaluation

Encourage students to combine cognitive and affective assessments of their self-image with and without the desired behavior



 • Arguments

Use a set of one or more meaningful premises and a conclusion



Methods to change social influence

 • Resistance to social pressure

Stimulate students to build skills for resisting social pressure



Methods to change skills, capability and self-efficacy

 • Guided practice

Prompt students to rehearse and repeat the behavior various times, discuss their experiences, and provide feedback



 • Verbal persuasion

Use messages that suggest that the student possesses certain capabilities



 • Planning coping responses

Prompt students to list potential barriers and ways to overcome them



Methods to increase knowledge

 • Discussion

Encourage consideration of a topic by the students in an open informal debate



 • Elaboration

Stimulate the student to add meaning to the information that is processed



Methods to change social norms

 • Entertainment education

Provide a form of entertainment designed both to educate on sexual behavior and to entertain



Methods to change social support and social networks

 • Peer-education

Mobilize members of the target population to serve as credible sources of information and role models

