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Table 1 Specific objectives for the co-creation and regional adaptation of the UPRIGHT programme

From: UPRIGHT, a resilience-based intervention to promote mental well-being in schools: study rationale and methodology for a European randomized controlled trial

Objectives of the UPRIGHT co-creation and regional adaptation

• To involve the young themselves and other relevant stakeholders gathering their inputs for the design of the intervention.

• To confirm that the three groups of participants (adolescents, families, teachers/school staff) have a clear understanding of the four core components and 18 skills comprising the UPRIGHT theoretical model.

• To prioritize the most relevant or meaningful resilience skills for everyday life according to the three groups of participants.

• To identify and prioritize the most relevant areas of concern for adolescents’ development and mental health according to the three groups of participants.

• To select and prioritize the most relevant and feasible methodologies to implement the UPRIGHT programme with youth, families, and school staff.

• To identify collectively main challenges and needs (from the community, school, and families) for the successful implementation of UPRIGHT (and their possible solutions).

• To identify collectively main resources and expectations in the community, school, and families for the successful implementation of UPRIGHT.

• To explore the cultural context and antecedents for the implementation of UPRIGHT in the school: inclusion, active participation, positive relationships, belonging and mental health (school resilience).

• To adapt and co-customize the UPRIGHT programme to regional needs and expectations in the five different European regions (pilot sites).