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Table 2 Strategies used to target baseline low levels of readiness in YCHANGe

From: A rural community moves closer to sustainable obesity prevention - an exploration of community readiness pre and post a community-based participatory intervention

Community Readiness Model Dimensions (Definition)

Baseline Readiness Score

YCHANGe strategy

Strategies to increase readiness levels

Knowledge of issue

3.61 (vague awareness)


Social marketing and social media

Weekly newspaper articles

School newsletter articles

Presentations at AGMs and community groups

Radio interviews

Attendance at local community events

Facebook (126 followers)


YCHANGe branded resources (water bottles, t-shirts, placecards)

Establishment of YarriYak CafƩ

Knowledge of efforts

3.13 (vague awareness)

Community Climate

3.39 (vague awareness)


4.25 (preplanning)

Meetings with key stakeholders

Individual and small group meetings with CEO and executive management leaders across the area.

Establish backbone organisation

Multi-stakeholder backbone with CEO representation from seven local organisations and the mayor as community representative met three times per year.

Establish steering committee

Steering Committee: comprised of representation from the following sectors: health, education, disability, neighbourhood houses, sports and general community representatives met six times per year.

Community champions

Working groups met monthly


3.07 (vague awareness)

Mobilise existing employed resources in health promotion and community development.

Face to face meetings with relevant CEOs and executive level management.

Engage with GPs to prioritise prevention.

Training for General Practice Nurses on prevention models and maximising business case for prevention.

Meetings with key stakeholders in local government to re-orient existing policy.

Policy changes to incorporate health and wellbeing in LGA strategic plan.

Training for local community members in healthy eating

Partnerships with health promotion expertise.

Capacity building through training of employed staff and volunteers

Community training on healthy choice food guidelines.

Community training on understanding systems thinking and complexity.

Short term grant funding to mobilise efforts

Various government, philanthropic sources and funding from Rural Northwest Health